the secrets.

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things were different for the rest of the school day.

felix didn't want to be partners with chan, not after what he did.

hyunjin didn't want to be partners with changbin, because he broke chanlix up.

since jisung and minho weren't on speaking terms that much, they didn't want to be partners either.

after school before felix, jisung, and minho could go home, chan catches up to them.

"um... since we are partners we should get started right?" chan says and felix stays silent and nods lightly.

felix hears a knock on the door, and it's chan.

"what are you doing here?" felix looks at him.

"the project dumbass" chan walks in and felix rolls his eyes.

"don't tell me you threatened jisung" felix crosses his arms.

"of course" chan plops down on the sofa.

"you take that make yourself at home phrase too seriously" felix shakes his head and sits next to him.

"too bad"

felix snaps out of it and before he knew it they arrived back home.

it was strange seeing all four of them there again, it's been almost 3 months.

felix and chan sat down on the sofa in silence.

"okay look, we have to get this project done so why don't we just pretend anything happened just until we're done and then you can go back to hating me again okay?"

"you think I hate you?" felix looks at him.

"I... I don't know, I figured-"

"I don't hate you, I'm just upset and mad at you"

"how many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry?"

"there isn't enough times for me to forgive you" felix crosses his arms.

"felix please..."

"you just don't get it do you...?"

"get what?"

"nevermind, I can't do this project with you" felix gets up and goes upstairs and chan just sits there and sighs heavily.

"I miss you so much felix...." chan whispers to himself.

jisung sees felix run into his room and slams the door shut, so he knocks on the door to see what happened.

"felix what happened? do I have to kick his ass again?" jisung opens the door to see felix laying on his bed.

"no no.... I just don't want to see him" felix wipes his eyes as he started crying. (siR tHeReS cOrOnA)

"you're gonna have to eventually" jisung walks in his room.

"of course I want to forgive him... I... I just can't... it's like he betrayed me"

suddenly there's a knock on the door, jisung goes downstairs to answer it, it was someone he didn't expect.

"there's something I probably should've told you and felix" (surprise it's not a cliffhanger?)

"you're two months late changbin" jisung goes to shut the door but changbin opens it again.


jisung sighs and lets changbin come inside.

"chan..." changbin sees chan sitting on the sofa.

chan doesn't say anything to him.

"where's felix?" changbin asks and jisung points to upstairs.

changbin goes upstairs to felix's room and sees him laying on the bed in the same position jisung found him in.

"felix... there's something I want to tell you" jisung says and felix looks over at changbin.


"I saw you and chan's looks when you got assigned partners for the project... I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I kinda forced chan to do all that stuff, the truth is I used to like chan when he was dating seungmin but I didn't want seungmin hurt so I backed off. but... now... I guess I was mad that you two got married so all this stuff happened. then I started to like seungmin when I came back and I was mad at that too, I'm over both of them. I know you're not over chan, you never took that ring off I know you still love him. just forgive him okay?" changbin walks out of felix's room and it was hard for felix to process all of that.

changbin didn't say anything to chan, he just walked out of the house.

chan gets up from the sofa, and he leaves as well.

it was hard for him to wait for felix, but he was worth everything.


it was 11 pm, him and jisung were on the sofa watching a movie until he got a text.

jisung was sleeping, so minho was able to leave.

minho opened the door, he looked back at jisung and looks down, but then he leaves.

he goes outside to see a blue convertible and a guy standing by it.

"finally" he pulls minho in and kisses him, it turns to a makeout session.

you can assume who watched the whole thing.


resonance pt 2 november 23 who's ready to die again 🤩 (I know my wallet is 😍)

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