the arrest.

882 31 31

it was a long night for felix, jisung, and minho.

felix comforted jisung the whole time he let out his tears.

but what happened to minho? well nobody knew.

luckily it was saturday so there was no school, jisung wanted to just sit in his bed and cry all day.

but felix's next words might change him.

"jisung... do you remember when you were with my dad and all that drama happened around your wedding?"

jisung just nods.

"well, minho honestly didn't need to forgive you for that, it was hard for him to do that. I know it's hard for you too, but I think maybe you should think about everything he's been through... I think he just needed attention not just from you or his friends" felix says and jisung looks at felix.

"he should've just told me though..."

"hmm I wonder why he didn't"

"right" jisung looks down and sighs.

"actually you're talking about me but chan cheated on you too, he's been through worse than you or minho" felix stays silent.

"mhmm yeah now you're quiet" felix rolls his eyes.

"whatever, it's not just that... he got an abortion too.... wait...."


"do you think maybe chan got an abortion because he didn't want to be like his parents?"

"duh!" jisung says and felix rolls his eyes again.

felix's phone rings and it's an unfamiliar number.


"are you the brother of lee minho?"


"please come to the police station to bail him out"

"he's been arrested!?"

"we'll have him explain once you get here"

felix hangs up and he leaves the bedroom.

"wait where are you going!?"

"minho's been arrested!"


"you've been acting strange lately" jeongin looks at seungmin.

"I'm sorry, it's just a lot happened between chan and felix, and apparently minho and jisung aren't on good terms either"

"really? what happened?"

"well chan cheated on felix and he got an abortion without telling him, and as for minho and jisung I don't really know what's wrong with them" seungmin says.

"they're adults now I'm sure they can figure it out themselves" jeongin says and seungmin shrugs.

"do you still like chan? I mean... I heard about everything" jeongin says and seungmin looks at him in shock, how could he know?

"how do you know?"

"chan told me everything when they were setting us up in the first place" seungmin nods.

"well, at first I did... I mean I do miss him sometimes but I'm with you now and I'm glad I am" they both exchange smiles.

"I'm glad I'm with you too, everyone at school always asks me if I was married or had a girlfriend... but now I tell them I have a boyfriend and they find it cute" jeongin chuckles.

"it is cute though because you're cute" seungmin says and jeongin smiles.

"shut up"


"what happened officer?" felix enters the police station.

"are you lee minho's brother?" the officer asks and felix nods.

"well we got a call from someone that he was found destroying public property, he nearly ruined the park nearby"

"where is he?"

"well he tried to escape but he ended up injuring himself, he had a few cuts on his face and he injured his arm he'll be brought here soon so you can pick him up"

"what's the fine?" felix asks.

"10,000 KRW"

aish this guy...

felix sighs and he gives him the money, and minho arrives with another officer tugging his arm.

"minho what the hell!?" felix says as soon as minho arrives.

"wow you're here big whoop" minho says and felix sighs.

"come on we're going home" felix grabs onto him and waves goodbye to the officers.

"what the fuck is wrong with you!? why would you get yourself arrested!?" felix slaps minho across the face.

"ow dude I have cuts there"

"answer me what were you thinking!?"

"everything! I hate everything! I needed to destroy something, I needed to just take something down that everyone enjoys!"

"whatever just come on you dumbass" felix tugs minho with him back to the house.

"I'm not going back there!" minho pulls felix away.

"it's your house come on" felix tries to pull him but minho pushes him away.

"not while jisung is there"

"is that what this is about?" minho shrugs. "well guess what, you're gonna have to face him eventually just come inside"

"no!" minho keeps pushing him away.

"fine! stay out here and just live out in the streets! I don't care!" before felix could go inside, minho grabs his arm.

"is there any way... I can fix it...?"

"I don't know, maybe just try talking to him" felix opens the door to see jisung standing there.


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