the project.

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felix chokes on his food and jisung laughs.

"dude it was a joke but you took it so serious!" felix rolls his eyes. "but... you never know though"

after lunch, felix headed to english, which he unfortunately had with chan.

he sat down and he ignored the stares of all the girls, and even some guys.

the final bell rings and the teacher mr. yang enters the room.

"good afternoon everyone, for the rest of the week I will be assigning you a project on a topic I will assign you, and yes I'm assigning your partners" the class groaned and mr. yang slams the desk to shut them up.

"okay I'm gonna do a random generator which I will show on the board" mr. yang turns on the projector for the board and he sets up the generator.

he goes down the list in alphabetical order, and he arrives at chan.

bang chan –> lee felix

"you're joking right"

"no mr. bang the generator doesn't joke, you and felix are partners" mr. yang goes on.

after everyone gets their partners assigned, he goes around with a bucket with slips in it to choose their topic, he goes to felix first since he is closer to the front of the classroom.

he puts his hand in and he picks out a slip and reads it and shows mr. yang.



after class, felix goes up to chan, but of course he didn't look very happy.

"okay where do you live I'll come over after school so we can get it done" felix says and chan rolls his eyes.

"we have the whole week to do it calm down"

"okay and? I like finishing my assignments early" felix slicks his hair back, which chan found hot but he obviously didn't show it.

"nerd" chan slams his locker and walks away.

I swear he got hotter...

hyunjin saw what happened and he shrugs.

after school, felix goes to find jisung but he sees him with minho and he sighs.

then his phone goes off.

if you actually want to be a nerd and get a head start on the project just do it I don't really care anyway, and if you're feeling it just do it all by yourself I'm no help anyway

wtf how did you get my number

I threatened one of those fags to give it to me

felix clenches his fist and he takes a deep breath.

they have names asshole

I know, fag 1 and fag 2 👍🏻

felix growls and he stomps past jisung and minho and over to chans locker where him and hyunjin were.

felix punches him this time, and he just walks away after.

"what the fuck!?" chan runs after him and pushes him to the ground.

"stop calling them that word!" jisung and minho are watching the scene.

"what? fag? you hate that word? aw boo hoo" chan fake pouts and laughs.

"go to hell" felix says in a deep tone and he walks away, jisung goes after him.

"you okay?" jisung asks and felix stops and nods.

"I hate him" felix says.

"me too, but why do you care so much about when he calls us fag?"

"why don't you care?" felix looks at him.

"we don't care about what others think of us, as long as we love each other it doesn't matter what anyone thinks" someone was watching them.

"but I care what people think!" felix has tears in his eyes and he sighs.

"you don't have to, we're fine lix don't worry" jisung smiles softly and felix shakes his head.

"it's not just you... it's... nevermind" felix looks away from jisung.

"what is it then?"

"I said nevermind!"

"I'm your best friend you can tell me"

it's silent for a while, but felix eventually speaks.

"we have this project to do for English right? well we got lgbtq+ equality and I've been bothered by it ever since" felix says and jisung looks confused.

"why? are you against it?" felix shakes his head.

"you are a part of it... right?" felix nods.

"that's why I always get mad and upset when chan calls you that word, because he's calling me it too. and that's also why I never told anyone, because of him... he will never shut up about it and he will find out because he somehow always hears our conversations" felix talks quieter and he looks down, and jisung hugs him.

"it's okay, I won't tell anyone I promise" felix finally lets out his cries and he sees someone on the back of jisung.

the person he didn't want to find out the most.

and it makes him cry even more.

I actually forgot this book was a thing lmao

anyway guess who's getting skz's album 🤪

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