the worrying.

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after school while waiting for minho and jisung, chan and felix were waiting by the exit.

"I'm scared...."

"I know, but listen don't let him get to you or do anything, and if he does, I will kick his ass so hard he won't be able to do it again" felix chuckles and hugs chan.

"is this about johnny?" jisung walks up next to felix with minho following.

"he hasn't approached me yet, which scares me" felix says.

"well I'll also kick his ass with chan so don't worry" jisung says and felix nods.

"thanks guys... as much as I really appreciate it... but I think I need to do this on my own"

"but he could do something really bad" minho looks at him.

"I know, he's my ex so I need to do this"


"chan... please... let me do this... I'll listen to you and make sure that he won't do anything... but I need to do this by myself" felix holds his hand.

"okay... but I still want to kick his ass" felix chuckles.

"talking about me?" johnny's voice makes felix cringe as he walks closer to them.

"look, we're just gonna do this project and that's it, you better not try anything with me because I will indeed do something about it got it?" felix looks at johnny.

"yeah yeah whatever, come over to my house and we'll start" johnny walks out of the school.

"go" chan says.

felix kisses his cheek before he leaves to go start on the project at johnny's house.


"chan just calm down" jisung says.

"I can't! he should be home by now! I swear I'm gonna—"

"felix said for him to do this on his own, let's let him do it on his own, if he wants you involved he'll call you okay?" jisung looks at chan who sighs.

"yeah fine..."

"besides felix loves you there's no way anything will happen"

"alright alright we'll I'm going to bed" chan goes upstairs without coming down the rest of the night.

when morning appears, felix wasn't next to chan in bed.

he gets up and looks around the house to see that he wasn't anywhere in the house, which means he never came home last night.

he'll just have to end up waiting until he gets to the university to see just where the hell he is.


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