the final project.

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when the four of them walked in the school, eyes were on them. well, actually eyes were on felix.

felix wraps his arms around him and hides behind him.

"take a picture it'll last longer!" chan says and they all look away. "come on, just ignore them"

they all walk over to hyunjin and changbin who were making out by the lockers.

suddenly gagging sounds came from jisung and minho, which caused them to separate and look over to them.

"oh hey guys" hyunjin says.

"okay not at y'all acting like y'all weren't just making out" jisung says.

"we're just in love" hyunjin says and jisung perks up.

"we are too!"

"okay okay calm down" chan says, he then felt felix hold his hand, he glances at him, then looks at johnny who was coming their way.

"felix, you're alive" johnny says and felix just nods.

"back off johnny" chan steps in front of felix, jisung steps in front of minho.

"I'm not gonna do anything, calm down"

"yeah sure" felix says.

"glad you're back" johnny walks away as soon as the bell rings.

"he's gonna do something" minho says.

"how do you know?" jisung asks.

"he never acts all nice around us, he's definitely planning something. chan you need to stay with felix at all times no matter what" minho looks at chan.

"I will, I always will"


"and I'll always stay with you in case he tries something with you to get to felix" jisung looks at minho.

"I know he won't go after us but so you don't feel left out I'll always stay with you" changbin looks at hyunjin.

"I'll always stay with you too" they both start making out again as the others let out gags.


"okay everyone, it's time for another project" everyone groans as mr. kim brings up the generator.




felix hangs his head on the desk.

"mr. kim can I—"

"no felix the generator picks it, and that's final. you're with johnny"

chan holds felix's hand as the two of them become scared as to what'll happen when the two of them have the get together.

mr. kim brings the bucket around to have the students pick what their theme will be.

chan is the first to go.


then felix.


"hm that's an interesting one" mr. kim goes around to the rest of the students as felix is in despair that he has to be partners with johnny.


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