the talk II.

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3 chapters left~

"can we not go back to university?" felix looks at chan who was stroking his hair.

"unfortunately we have to, but as long as I'm with you I don't care" felix giggles while chan just smiles.

"wake up sleepyheads" minho knocks on the door then barges in their room.

"so much for our moment" chan says and felix chuckles.

"let's go people!" jisung yells.

"I already got them up" minho turns around to jisung.

"whatever" jisung crosses his arms and minho chuckles.

"just come on let's go people!" jisung walks away and minho follows him.

"come on" chan gets up and felix just sits there.

"come onnnn" chan tugs on his arms but he doesn't budge.

"I don't wanna" felix pouts and chan chuckles.

"you're cute, but if I'm going you're going too" chan picks him up and carries him bridal style downstairs.

"chan!!! you didn't need to carry me!" felix playfully hits him when he gets sat down on the sofa.

"yes I did" chan kisses his cheek. "now come on we gotta go"

felix looks down, then chan sits next to him.

"is there a specific reason or person why you don't wanna go?" chan holds his hand.

"I don't want johnny to do anything to us... he's ruined our family... I don't want him to do anything else" chan wraps his arms around him.

"it's gonna be okay I'm here for you" felix hugs him back after hearing chan's words.

after some silence between the two of them just enjoying the moment together, jisung interrupts their moment by coming downstairs.

"come on let's go!"


when the four arrive at school, felix and minho look around to make sure johnny wasn't around, luckily he wasn't so they walked over to hyunjin and changbin.

just when they thought it would be fine, it wasn't.

felix and minho flinched and then cringed from johnny calling out their names.

"well well well it's the lee brothers! how was your winter break? was it fun? well you won't have any more fun now" johnny pushes them into the lockers, which triggered chan and jisung.

"what did I say to you before?" chan looks at him and johnny just crosses his arms.

"I'm not scared of you"

"you should be, because the both of us are gonna fight you now" jisung says.

"oh please"

"chan has done some bad shit when he was a bully, I suggest you not go there" hyunjin says.

"guys, thank you but we can handle this" minho says and they look him.

"but—" felix cuts chan off.

"I know you can fight and all of that, I know you more than anyone. but please just let us handle this... I don't want you involved, I don't want anything to happen to you" felix looks into his eyes, chan just looks at him, he looks down and nods.

"but if I do need you, I'll let you know" felix kisses his cheek and chan strokes his hair.

johnny fake yawns loudly and they all look at him.

"you guys are so pathetic, being the fags you are" felix clenches his fists.

"he's gonna do the same thing he did to chan when they were still enemies" jisung whispers to minho.

"you know, when I used to be called that, the one who did was actually one himself" minho says and johnny chuckles.

"what you think I'm gay? no. that's disgusting"

"you're disgusting" felix does the same thing he did to chan years ago.

kicked him right where the sun doesn't shine(e).

"told ya" jisung whispers to minho.

"you asshole!" johnny grabs his collar and felix pushes him away.

"you don't get to ruin our lives again! all the shit you put our whole family through you don't deserve to get away with it, you need to be well aware that you did some horrible shit!" he pushes him again.

"well you don't get to move on from me!" johnny pushes him into the lockers.

"why does he mean by that?" chan looks at felix who helps him up.

"I'll tell you later" felix says and chan nods.

"just tell him now! right in front of me! he'll break up with you afterwards, because I'll make him" he grabs his collar again but felix pushes him away.

"I'll never do that" chan says.

"I guess I'm gonna tell him since you're a wimp, we used to date a long time ago, he broke up with me because he liked someone else, he liked his bully!" they all look at him in shock. "and you can say I got angry with him, so I took it out on his whole family because they deserve to be punished for their precious felix breaking someone's heart, boo boo"

"you... liked me back then?" felix nods.

"I was scared to date you because... I was scared that if we ended up breaking up someday... you would do the things johnny did... that's why all these times I've cried when you were still my bully, not because you bully me, because I was scared. and that's why when I found out you liked me for a long time that I immediately kissed you" chan smiles softly.

"the truth is, when you first came over to my house... and you met my mom... then you stayed the night... I actually was happy you came back"

chan hugs him, felix hugs him back.

"enough!" johnny pushes the two of them away, then he pushes felix into the lockers again. "you two are pathetic, you don't deserve each other, your love is fake"



"beat the shit out of him"


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