the reunion III.

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"so how long are you guys staying?" changbin asks.

"well the professors at woojin's school is on academic study for a week so a week" seungmin says.

"we decided to come visit you guys" woojin says.

"well you picked a great time to come back" hyunjin says. "minjung maybe you could go see chan and cheer him up"

"let's go!" she says.

"I'll take her you guys unpack" hyunjin says as they head for the door.

when they arrive, chan is in his room a crying mess while looking at the scrapbook of them that he gave to felix.


"minjung?" he wipes his eyes. "what are you doing here?"

"well we came back for the week and hyunjin told us what happened with you and felix" minjung walks closer and sits next to him on the bed.


"don't be sad chan" she hugs chan. "it's going to be okay"

"I hope so... I just love him so much and I... I... I shouldn't have let him go to do the project... I shouldn't have let him go to his house..." chan starts crying again.

for the next hour it's just minjung trying to cheer chan up, which didn't seem to work.


"jisung! well?" minho goes up to jisung as soon as he walks in the door.

"he doesn't remember chan at all"

"did you talk to johnny?"

"of course I did, but he just smirked he didn't even say anything"

"that motherfucker" minho says.

"there's gotta be a way for us to get him to remember everything" jisung looks down and sighs.

"maybe chan could do it, we just gotta get him to be alone with felix for a while" minho says and jisung nods in agreement at his husband's idea.

"how would we do that though? johnny's always around him"

"well there's 5 of us and one of him, so we just need 2 of us to get him to back off and the other three to get felix to come"

"when could we do it though?"

"we gotta do this soon, chan's doing awful. minjung is in there trying to cheer him up but nothings working"

"wait what? the kims are here?"

"yeah hyunjin said they came back a few hours ago and they're back at the house but he brought minjung over to try and cheer chan up because she always does"

there's a knock at the door, jisung answers it and it's hyunjin.

"we need to kick johnny's ass"


yeah they do

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