the divorce.

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based on the name of this chapter you can assume what happens

jisung woke up to see minho wasn't there, he obviously was still with that guy.

him and felix go to school by themselves without minho.

they get into english and felix sits down next to chan, he remembered what happened last night.

"felix... there's something I want to tell you" jisung says and felix looks over at changbin.


"I saw you and chan's looks when you got assigned partners for the project... I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I kinda forced chan to do all that stuff, the truth is I used to like chan when he was dating seungmin but I didn't want seungmin hurt so I backed off. but... now... I guess I was mad that you two got married so all this stuff happened. then I started to like seungmin when I came back and I was mad at that too, I'm over both of them. I know you're not over chan, you never took that ring off I know you still love him. just forgive him okay?" changbin walks out of felix's room and it was hard for felix to process all of that.

he snaps out of it when the bell rings and class begins.

a little later into the class, minho arrives late.

jisung doesn't say anything to him, he looks down and was playing with his ring.

"what's wrong?" minho asks and jisung looks at him.

like you don't know...

oh yeah, felix told him everything when jisung explained why minho wasn't there.

"where's minho?" felix asks and jisung sighs.

"last night.... I saw him... with another guy"

felix nods and he looks at him.

"well I guess now's the time to tell you"

"tell me what?"

"I didn't want to get involved but it seems like it's gonna come out so... well minho he's... well he's a fuckboy"

"what!?" jisung was shocked even though he saw last night.

"I don't know why he's doing this... he's with you and he loves you, I never understood why"

"our relationship just keeps doing down..." jisung opens the door and starts leaving for school.

they have to work on their projects for the rest of the class.

"so... how will we do this?" minho looks at jisung who just shrugs.

"you have to say something"

"you have a nerve to speak to me" jisung gets up and asks mr. kim to go to the restroom.

"felix!" minho whispers to felix, he turns around.


"do you know what's wrong?" minho asks and felix nods.

"he knows"

minho's eyes widen and he sighs.



after school, jisung walked home by himself, ignoring minho.

"jisung please talk to me" minho keeps trying to talk to him, jisung was now giving him the silent treatment.

"you know... you could've told me you didn't love me..."

"what? I do love you-"

"then why did you become a fuckboy then!?"

"I.... I don't know...."

"you know what... I'm tired of all these downs that keep approaching, when I thought things would be okay, it got worse, I want a divorce" jisung looks down and tears fill up in his eyes.

"jisung please-"

"I can't remember one time in our marriage you ever showed affection or even told me you love me" jisung looks at his ring, he grabs onto it but he doesn't take it off yet.

"I guess I just-"

"no... you're gonna come up with excuses, you've always done that, I can't believe I was so stupid to not notice... felix noticed it before me and you weren't even that close with him for a while" jisung let the tears fall down his face as he slowly takes off the ring from his finger.

"felix told you?"

"he had to.... I saw you last night with some guy, he must be stupid to be with you because I am" jisung throws the ring at minho and he runs upstairs.

"jisung!" felix goes after him.

minho just stands there in shock. he couldn't believe this.

he sits down on the sofa and just sits there for a while, until tears start pouring down his face.

I fucked up.... big time


uh oh

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