the surprise II.

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felix woke up and he looks over to see chan not next to him, he assumed he went to the bathroom so he lays down and waits for him to come back.

he looks at the clock on his phone and he sees it's past noon.

why didn't chan wake me up?

felix gets out of his bed and he goes downstairs and he sees the living room all decorated, there's a banner hanging against the two walls that connect the room that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY and there's streamers, a cake and more decorations. felix's eyes light up and his mouth makes an O shape.

"happy birthday!" chan smiles and he runs over to felix and gives him a hug.

"you did all of this?" felix looks at him.

"yeah... I let you sleep so I could do this"

"it's amazing! thank youuu" felix kisses chan and it becomes a mini makeout session until there's a knock on the door.

chan answers it and it's seungmin, changbin, hyunjin and jeongin.

"hey guys!" chan smiles and waves at them as they all come in.

"happy birthday bro!" hyunjin high fives felix.

"thanks" felix smiles.

"uh, where's my brother?" felix asks.

"oh um... I could show you but I don't think you want to know" chan says and felix shivers.

"ew" hyunjin looks at chan.

"why now?" felix asks and when they get silent, they hear jisung's moans.

felix goes upstairs and he knocks on the door.

"hey sex lovers! shut up and come downstairs" felix goes back downstairs and he peeks at them.

"I'm gonna go change, I look a mess" felix says.

"you never look a mess but suit yourself" chan says and felix chuckles and he goes upstairs to put new clothes on.

minho and jisung come downstairs.

"daaaamnnn" minho looks around at the decorated living room.

"you did all this chan?" jisung looks at chan and he nods.

"I want this birthday to be perfect for him, he's had a rough year" chan says.

"and by perfect do you mean..." hyunjin looks at him and he nods.

felix comes downstairs wearing the same outfit he wore when the first day of the bet began.

"you look hot" chan walks over to felix and felix's face turns a slight red.

I can actually tell him that now hehe

"I know" felix winks at chan and chan giggles.

"stop being so adorableeee" chan strokes his hair and gives him a peck.

"y'all cute and shit but can we eat cake now" jisung says and minho hits him.

"okay okay come on" they all gather around the cake and they sing happy birthday to felix.

"make a wish!" chan smiles.

felix looks at chan and he just stares at him.

there's nothing in this world I could wish for other than you

"what?" chan asks.

"I don't need to wish for anything, I already have everything I want" felix smiles and he blows out the candles.

"y'all are so cheesy I swear" minho says and jisung looks at him.

"I think it's cute, can we be cheesy too?" jisung asks.

"sometimes" minho says and jisung smiles and nods.

"now gimme my presents!" felix holds out his hands and grips them and chan chuckles.

"okay let me cut the cake before jisung gets mad" chan cuts the cake and jisung takes the first slice.

they're now on the sofa eating cake while felix opens his presents.

felix was now at chan's.

he opens it and it's a book.

he opens it and it's a bunch of pictures.

there's a section called our early moments

"it's all the pictures I took of me and you together ever since we became a couple" felix scrolls through the book without saying anything.

the memories come flooding back to him, which made him happy.

he even wrote some cute messages next to some of the pictures.

"this is... the best present I've ever gotten" felix looks at chan and smiles.

"keep turning it" chan says and felix nods.

he comes to the end of the pictures, but there's many blank pages.

"there's many blank pages" felix says.

"keep going"

he stops when he sees a section called our married years

he keeps turning it and he comes across a piece of paper.

I'm not good with words, but I always want you to remember these words.

my proposal to you.

I never thought we would last so long, we were opposites when we met. we hated each other. but now we fell in love and I can never be more luckier to have you in my life.

you were there for me through ups and downs, you made me laugh on days I was sad, you always had a way to compliment me.

I couldn't be more grateful to have someone like you. someone who makes me laugh, someone who treats me like I matter, someone who I can never stop thinking about.

I want to never stop thinking about you for the rest of my life, so I hope you will say yes.

remember at minho's wedding, when you said you see us getting married someday? I hope you see it now

will you marry me?

felix reads the letter with tears in his eyes.

when he focuses back to everyone, he sees chan in one knee with a small black box with a ring and a smile.

"chan I... I don't know what to say. this is beautiful" felix folds the paper back up and he closes the book.

"and of course I'll marry you" felix smiles wide and chan puts the ring on felix's finger as everyone else claps for them.

"I love you so much" felix cries in happiness in chan's shoulder.

"I love you too" chan smiles and there's a knock on the door to ruin their moment.

chan looks around and everyone was there, so who could it be?

guess we (I mean you) won't know until next chapter

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