the drama.

181 8 2

A LOT will be going on in this chapter, prepare yourselves

the whole rest of the day, the thing jisung said to minho was on his mind.

he didn't respond to his claim, he just stayed quiet, and he also has yet to tell felix.

when it was the end of the school day, all lights went out, it was pitch black.

"oh no" jisung says, minho looks at him in fear.

they all turn on their phone flashlights, and they look around to see the other students were in the same situation as them.

"what do we do?" felix looks at chan who shrugs.

"let's just stay calm for now okay?" chan looks at him and he nods.

"felix there's something you should know" after minho spoke, there was a sudden bang.

felix wrapped his arms around chan as he was scared, chan does the same.

shots started firing out of nowhere, the six of them dodge them and eventually make out of the school.

"felix dad's trying to kill us" minho says.

"what!?" felix looks at minho.

"your dad has been planning this for a long time, I... I tried to stop him for a long time too... I thought I was able to stop him but... obviously not..." jisung looks down and minho holds his hand.

now shots were firing outside, the six of them continue to try to dodge again.

"chan... if anything happens to us... I love you" felix says, chan looks at him.

"don't talk like that okay I'm gonna be here to protect you" felix nods and gives him a peck, they both exchange smiles.

their smiles fades when a bullet hits felix.


"chan don't do this" minho looks at him.

"I have to, I'm not letting him get away with killing the love of my life" he has all kinds of weapons with him, from guns to knives, to a bow and arrow.

"you don't know him like I do, he's gonna end up killing you too" minho follows him.

"oh no he won't"

"chan don't please—"

"I HAVE TO! I CAN'T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT!" tears starts to form in his eyes, minho looks down and nods.

"make sure you get rid of him once and for all" chan nods.

then suddenly jisung barges in with an angry look.

"I hate that motherfucker"

"woah woah woah calm down who?"

"your ass of a dad"

"wait you went to see him?" minho asks.

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