the reunion II.

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hyunjin catches his breath as he yells out for changbin, but no sign of him.

"SEO CHANGBIN!" hyunjin yells again, and he does come out.

"hyunjin!? what are you doing...?"

"don't go to america, please don't go..." hyunjin holds his hand and changbin remains silent.

"I've pushed everyone away and I don't want to push you away... I don't want you to leave me" he looks down as his eyes begin to fill with tears.

"hyunjin... you're not pushing me away" he brings his head up and looks at him. "I'm getting my life together and I'm fixing myself so I don't cause anymore messes and ruin people's lives"


"hyunjin... please don't make this harder than it already is" changbin looks down.

"I'm coming with you then" hyunjin says and changbin looks up at him.

"you're staying here. you have your friends who care about you" changbin says.

hyunjin collides his lips with changbin's which of course shocks him.

"I'm not letting you go without me" hyunjin says and changbin sighs.

"okay.." hyunjin smiles and they wrap their arms around each other.

hyunjin turns around and looks at woojin who was watching them.

"thank you woojin" hyunjin brings him in for a hug and woojin just stays silent.

he didn't want to let hyunjin go, but he wanted him to be happy.

he wanted to be with him, but hyunjin made his choice.


"hi..." jeongin speaks to seungmin as they both stand at the doorstep.

"what are you doing here?" seungmin asks, jeongin looks down and sighs.

"I... I felt awful about how I treated you... I shouldn't have just let you go like that I admit it..." jeongin looks at him.

"no.. I should have told you everything. I just was afraid you would leave me like you actually did"

"yeah... I'm sorry"

"don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong, I deserve you to hate me and-" he was cut off by jeongin kissing him.

"I'll never hate you"

"what?" seungmin was confused.

"I just... it's been hard to be without you. I miss you..."

"I miss you more" seungmin brings him into his arms and they share a hug.


this was kind of short but oh well

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