the feelings.

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the rest of the day, mr. kim's words had chan thinking about it.

"and so, fix it"

"how am I supposed to fix it when he won't even talk to me?" chan says to himself.

he turns around and waits to hyunjin by the doors and he sees him with woojin.

which of course makes him jealous.

he wants to be with felix again.

he wants to hold him in his arms.

he wants to see his smile and hear his laugh.

he couldn't go on like this any longer.

instead of waiting for hyunjin, he waited for felix. he was gonna make sure he would get felix back.

hyunjin and woojin walk out of the school, they start walking but chan doesn't follow them.

"chan come on" hyunjin looks back and chan shakes his head.

"is this about the presentation?" hyunjin walks back over to him.

"no I'm waiting for felix"

"what are you gonna do?" woojin asks.

"I'm gonna get him back, I miss him so much"

"well good luck, let me know how it goes" hyunjin says and chan nods.

a little bit after hyunjin and woojin left, felix came out with minho and jisung.

"can I talk to you?" chan says and felix turns around and looks at chan.

felix looks at minho and jisung and they get the hint and they walk away, but of course not far enough for them to not be able to listen.

"what" felix crosses his arms.

"I am so so sorry for everything. I should've told you, I shouldn't have kept it a secret. I was scared that you would do what you did. break up with me. when you broke up with me I was devastated-"

"when seungmin left I bet you were worse"

"actually I wasn't, I just cried it out and I decided to move on from him. but for you it's worse, I'm still devastated and I feel awful for not telling you everything. and also, that kiss a few days ago? he kissed me first, I tried pulling away but he wouldn't budge and you happened to come in at that time. and when you ran away I told him off. I told him that I don't want to be with him anymore. I've never been so happy with you"

felix had tears in his eyes, he looks away from him.

"but... he was your first love! he's perfect for you, you.... you... jerk!" felix felt the tears pour down his face.

"no that's what I thought but he's not, yeah he was my first relationship but he wasn't my first love, you were my first love, and I'll always say that because I love you so much and I always will, even if you stop loving me, I'll always love you. your smile, your laugh, your charms, your kindness, everything"

felix looks at him.

"really?" felix asks.


felix hugs him and chan smiles for the first time in days.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

for the first time in nearly a weak, chan and felix's lips connect with smiles surrounding them.

minho and jisung start fake crying and they clap.

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