the project III.

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2 months later
present day

before you ask chan and felix didn't get divorced, but they also haven't talked to each other in 2 months.

chan moved out and now he's living with seungmin and woojin

changbin kinda fell off the face of the earth, he just disappeared after that day.

hyunjin ended his friendship with chan, he couldn't trust him anymore.

things weren't good for jisung and minho either. jisung got his abortion about a month and a half ago, it's been different ever since.

minho gave him the silent treatment for about 2 weeks, but now they're talking again.

but minho hasn't showed affection at all.


the sound of felix's alarm clock was ringing in his head, making him groan in annoyance.

felix sighs as he gets up from his bed and he gets ready for another boring day of school.

he hated school, mostly because he had to see chan everyday.

he couldn't avoid him because they're in the same english class and they sit next to each other still.

he goes downstairs to see jisung was about to leave by himself.

"again you're leaving without minho?"

"he's been avoiding me lately again" jisung says and felix nods.

I think maybe I should tell him since minho won't

but it's their business so maybe not

oh yeah, felix is back to his hot self just to get on chan's nerves. (he's always hot tho like wtf!?)


"alright everyone, since y'all are being very inactive lately, I'm assigning another project" mr kim starts the class.

"but I thought it was a once a year thing?" hyunjin raises his hand and says.

"well it's not for you guys anymore. I want to know what's happening in your minds and what you're all feeling. it's important for everyone to know how you feel. now let me turn on the generator again"

it was just as everyone expected.


felix's eyes widen and he bangs his head on the table. (me in every class except art)

"ooo interesting" he goes again.


hyunjin does the same thing felix does, bangs his head on the desk.

"since changbin isn't here I'll reassign you hyunjin" he was about to click it again but just hyunjin's luck changbin walked in the classroom.

"just my fucking luck" hyunjin mumbles.

"nevermind then" he keeps going.


"that's a funny coincidence" he stands up and passes around the bucket.

felix picks it up and he shows mr kim.


"you're kidding me" felix says after he reads it.

"the paper doesn't lie felix" he goes onto hyunjin and changbin.

hyunjin picks it up and shows mr. kim.


"hmm that's a new one, can't wait to see it"

hyunjin was confused as to how they would do that one.

he walks over to minho and jisung now.

jisung picks up one and shows mr kim.


felix sighs when he sees minho and jisung's.

I feel like that foreshadowed....


there may or may not be a significance to the ones who picked the papers 👀

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