the presentation.

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"bang chan and lee felix you're up" mr. yang calls them up to submit their project and present it to the class.

they put their presentation on the board and switch to the slide with a rainbow flag on it.

"LGBT, what is it? why do people get treated awfully for it? this is something we need to discuss" felix switches to the next slide.

"when we see LGBT it spells out for some people 'bully me' or 'make fun of me' but it's actually lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. if you're any of these four things, you're a target to misery. but that's not how things should work, let's take a second to talk about school. you have the populars, the jocks, the nerds, the goths, and the bullies. which one are you? I'm neither, I'm a human. I'm a person. and so are all of you. no matter what sexuality you are, you're still a person, you have a heart, and you have feelings" felix looks at chan for him to go next.

"I know I qualify under one of those school traits, I'm the bully. I bullied people for being LGBT, but doing this project had me thinking a lot. being around more people had me thinking a lot. and I should stop before I speak, I should really think about these people, they have feelings and they are real, I guess people don't see it when they make fun of others for being LGBT. but I do" chan switches to the next slide, and felixs eyes widen and he chokes on nothing.

"yeah, that's me. I'm part of the LGBT, you can bully me. but guess what? I'm not gonna let it get to me. I'm gonna go on with my life as it is and ignore everyone but even though I may not show it, I'll still have feelings, there's someone who I've come to like, but I'm not here to talk about me" chan glances at felix.

"I'm here to tell you that there's more to people than just being classified as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, we have our own thoughts, and our own feelings, we are human"

everyone claps and felix remains stunned at chans coming out.

"well done boys"

they both sit down and they watch the other projects.


during lunch, felix, jisung, and woojin were sitting there when a girl comes up to felix.

"c-can I sit here?" she asks and felix nods.

"you're handsome" she smiles.

"thank you" felix says.

chan and hyunjin were sitting on the other side, but chan could still see what was going on.

"I'm actually new here and I found you very attractive when I first saw you in english class" she keeps her smile and felix nods.

"welcome to our school, you'll like it here"

"thank you, I already like it here, my name is jennie"

"nice to meet you jennie" felix says and she keeps smiling.

"dude tell her" jisung whispers in his ear, and felix shakes his head.

"do you wanna come over to my house after school? you can maybe help me with all this work I have on my first day" she says and felix nods.

"sure" it's silent after that, chan slams the table and he stands up and walks out of the cafe.

"what's up with this guy?" hyunjin shrugs and he looks back to see woojin.

do you want to tell finally? I want to be around you

woojin smiles and he looks back at him.

me too, but how will chan take it?

he probably won't approve at first, but I think he will be able to adjust to it

okay let's tell him last then, I'll tell felix and jisung and then chan okay?

okay 💓

woojin smiles and looks up at them.

"hey what are you smiling about?" jisung asks.

"well... I'm texting my boyfriend"

"oooooo" felix and jisung say in unison.

"shut up" woojin starts blushing.

"who is it? does he go here?" felix asks.

"about that..." woojin turns around and waves for hyunjin to come over.

felix chokes on his food and he starts coughing.

"you?" felix looks at hyunjin.

"look just because I'm chan's best friend doesn't mean I'm anything like him" hyunjin sits next to woojin and puts his arm around him.

"how much do you wanna bet chan is gonna walk in and see them?" jisung whispers to felix.

"I'd give it maybe 5 minutes tops" felix nods and they both chuckle.

there's suddenly a loud crash, like someone dropped something.

it was chan.

and his food was all over the floor.

"okay nevermind it was right now" felix says and jisung nods.

"shit" hyunjin gets up and goes after chan.

"you're.... you're... dating him!?" chan asks and hyunjin nods.

"like I didn't want to tell you! but you were always bullying jisung and minho and that's when I knew we had to keep it from you, and... and-"

"dude you're my best friend I'm not gonna get mad at that" chan says and hyunjin looks shocked.

"what? really?"

"yeah, when you like someone you should be with them and not let anyone hold you back" chan glances at felix.



"you looked behind me"


"who were you looking at?" hyunjin looks behind him.


hyunjin gasps.

"YOU LIKE FELIX!?" he covered his own mouth, and chan covers his on top of his hands.

felix chokes on his food, and it spits out into woojin.

"ew dude!" woojin leaves the cafe and felix just stares ahead.

"did I just hear that right?" jisung asks.

felix doesn't say anything, he freezes and he looks down, then back up.

"so that's why he's been acting weird"

wow double update yeet
triple update!?!?
don't get ahead of yourselves issa joke
because I wanna leave you at a cliffhanger 🙃

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