the talk.

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felix heads home and he sighs when he goes upstairs, he knocks on minhos door.

"go away" minho says.

"it's me" felix opens the door.

"I said go away" minho looks away from him.

"just talk to him" felix walks in and closes the door behind him.

"he lied to me, and so did you!" minho crosses his arms.

"yeah because it was between you two, I didn't want to get in the middle of it but I still did" felix says.

"just go hang out with chan or something" minho waves for felix to leave.

"look minho" felix pauses.

"he didn't tell you because of this reason. he knew you would be mad at him like you're doing now, you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, and I know you feel the same way, I haven't seen you happy like you are with him since dad died" minho stays silent.

"you don't have to answer me but all I'm telling you is that he may have lied to you, but it was to save your happiness, and there's more to come" felix leaves his room.

I talked to him, I don't know if he's gonna budge

ty for trying


minho's door opens and he looks at felix.

"I love him, lix how do I fix this?" felix smiles.

"just go talk to him bro" felix pushes him out of the house.


jisung stops his sobs when he hears someone at the door.

"oh hello minho" jisung hears his mom greeting him and his eyes widen.

he fixes himself up more and he plops on his bed.

he hears a knock at the door.


"who is it?"

"minho" jisung perks up.

"the actor!?" jisung acts shocked.

"haha funny" minho opens the door and closes it behind him.

"what are you doing here?" jisung asks.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, it's just-"

"don't be sorry, I deserved it. but you never let me tell you the full story anyway" jisung says and minho nods.

"listen kid, since you know of lee youngsoo you're helping me with this or else" the guy grabbed jisung's collar and he tried to set free, but he was being strangled.

"o-okay okay" jisung says and the guy lets go.

"follow me, if you run away you'll be sorry" jisung nods and follows him.

"this is the bridge I will be pushing youngsoo off of, you'll be in charge of getting him here to me" the guy says and jisung nods as he explains what he's 'supposed' to do.

"get him to me by tonight, I'll be waiting" the guy stands there with his arms crossed and jisung nods.

"y-yes sir" jisung runs away to go get youngsoo.

jisung knocks on the door hoping youngsoo answers.

"hey jisung" luckily enough, it was him.

"you have to come with me, please" youngsoo looks confused, he nods and he grabs his jacket and he closes the door.

"what is it son?" he asks.

"someone's out to kill you, he's waiting for me to bring you to him but we can take him out if it's 2 against 1, he'll kill the both of us if the police get involved before anyone's killed" jisung explains and youngsoo nods.

"who is it?"

"I don't know his name, but he's very tall, he's kinda buff, but he's not very good looking" jisung says and youngsoo snaps his fingers.

"kim namjoon" (sorry not sorry)

"that's his name?" jisung asks and he nods.

"come on" they both head over to the bridge, namjoon sees them.

"well well well"

"hello namjoon what is it?" youngsoo says and he just laughs.

"'what is it?' that's so funny" namjoon brings youngsoo into a chokehold.

jisung watches it, but he can't.

"stop it!" jisung pulls namjoon away from him.

"hey! don't do anything rash huh?" namjoon stares him down.

"don't kill him, he's a good man but you're not" jisung didn't want to see felix and minho's dad get killed, he hoped he could be his father in law someday.

"I'll kill you then" namjoon grabs jisung and brings him to the edge.

jisung just stayed still, he never thought he would die so soon.

"no, I'll kill you" youngsoo pulls jisung up and he goes to push namjoon off, but his reflexes beat him, and he pushes youngsoo off.

"no!!!" jisung watches him fall, feeling guilty as hell.

"oops" namjoon walks away and jisung tackles him.

"get off you brat!" namjoon pushes him off and he runs away.

"that asshole!" jisung just sits on the ground, wishing he would have got the police involved.


"it would have been you" minho says and jisung nods.

"I really tried minho, I felt awful that day. I hated that I didn't stop him and I should have told you I know, I-" jisung gets stopped by minho kissing him.

"shut up about it, thank you for telling me the truth" minho says and jisung smiles.

his phone goes off.

did you talk to him? propose to him!

chill dude

"thank you for forgiving me, I knew I picked the right guy to love" jisung chuckles and minho smiles.

"I can't stay mad at you, I would be a terrible boyfriend"

"then be something else instead" jisung says and minho looks confused.


"be my husband" jisung goes into his backpack and he grabs the small black box and showed it to minho, who was speechless.

"I... I..."

"I'm not good with those long cheesy speeches, so I'm gonna make it short and sweet. when you came into my life, I've never been so happy I love you so much, I hope I can be happy like this with you forever, will you marry me?" jisung smiles and minho was still speechless.

he just nods and they both exchange smiles while jisung puts the ring on minho's finger.

side ships are fun but the main ship needs some love too obviously, which you'll see next chapter

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