the change.

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chan, jisung, and minho walk in to see felix was nowhere to be around.

also was johnny.

"have you guys seen felix?" chan walks up to hyunjin and changbin.

"no we haven't, he didn't come home last night?" changbin asks as chan shakes his head in worry.

"well... that's why..." jisung turns chan around to see felix walk in.

it wasn't just him, he was holding johnny's hand.

"what... what...." chan couldn't find himself to speak anything.

the two of them walked by, but it looks like felix paid no attention to them.

he didn't even look over at them.

"motherfucker" hyunjin goes to say something to felix, but chan stops him by putting his arm out in front of him.



"he's clearly made his choice..."

"there's no fucking way he likes him without johnny doing something to him" minho says. "trust me"

"why the hell are you looking at me? I thought I was nothing to you" felix looks over at minho.


"jisung you coming?" felix looks at jisung.

"um... yeah...?" he glances at minho then chan and follows felix to go to class.

chan slams the lockers behind him.

"I wanna murder him"

"I'm lost" hyunjin says and changbin sighs.

"johnny somehow made felix lose his memories from 3 years ago when chan and felix first met" minho says. "which explains why what happened with me because at that time I wasn't talking to him"

"but how is that possible?" hyunjin asks.

"he must've had different events in his life occur since chan never came into his life" minho looks at chan who slams the lockers again.

"I'm gonna kick his ass!" before chan could go, minho stops him.

"that's not a good idea, for one we're at school, and also this could end badly" minho says.

"I don't care" chan's heart breaks when he sees no ring on felix's hand.

tears build in his eyes as hyunjin hugs his best friend to comfort him.

"this can't be happening...." he says through his tears.



"so felix has no memory of chan?"

"not one"

"gosh... so how is chan doing then?"

"not so well, he broke down in university today, luckily I was able to bring him home early so he didn't have to see the sight anymore"

"you guys have to do something about it!"

"yeah I think jisung will, him and felix are still best friends so maybe he'll knock some sense into him"


"what's going on in the background it's so loud!"

"it's probably just you"


"okay okay well we're at the incheon airport"

"wait really!?"

"yeah we're on our way to our house you better have kept it in shape"

"we did, gotta go!"

"wait why—" hyunjin quickly hangs up as he races around the house to clean up the messes everywhere.

"changbin! they're on their way back we need to clean it up!"

"shit!" the two of them quickly clean up the clothes everywhere, the trash, and make sure there's no dust.

when they hear the door open, they quickly sit down and act 'natural'.

when they walk in, hyunjin and changbin are in a very weird position as if they're up to something.

"what did you two do?" seungmin is the first to speak.

"heyyy guys!" hyunjin gets up.

"they clearly made a mess in the house and quickly cleaned it up as we were on our way, look at them they look worn out" jeongin says.

"hyunjin! changbin!" minjung runs up to them.

"hey minjung!" hyunjin lifts her up. "gosh you keep getting big!"

"I heard about what happen with chan and felix" minjung crosses her arms.

"let's settle in first before we figure out what to do" seungmin says as they all bring their stuff in to unpack.


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