the breakup II.

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"how is he doctor?" seungmin looks at the doctor who came out of the room.

"he has a broken arm and a few bruises, but other than that he's okay, he can get discharged today" seungmin sighs in relief.

"can we see him?" he then asks.

"go ahead" he points them to the room.

seungmin opens the door to see jeongin laying on the bed, wiping his eyes.

"hey why are you crying?" seungmin walks over to him and holds his hand.

"seungmin..." he looks at him, then looks down. "I can't do it..."

"can't do what?"

"marry you"


"I got in an accident because I wasn't paying attention to the road... I had so many things on my mind and... and... I'm just not ready to get married and to have a daughter... I just... it's all too much" he starts sobbing.

"I understand, I know it's a lot..."

"I'm sorry...."

"so... you were so shocked when you found out I had a daughter... and you broke up with me because you weren't ready for that... right?" jeongin nods.

jeongin plays with the ring, and he slowly takes it off and hands it to seungmin.

"someday... I hope you'll be able to marry someone..." seungmin looks at him.


"I'm going to get discharged" he gets up from his bed.

"you're breaking up with me?" jeongin looks down and nods.

"you deserve someone who can take care of your daughter with you... someone who's not just your former principal who happened to fall in love with you"

"but you're not, you're much more than that"

"I don't think so" he walks out of the room, seungmin goes after him.

"can you just go back to being my boyfriend then? and when you're ready—"

"you and I both know that you don't want that"


"seungmin... I just can't do it... I love you... so much... but... you would be better off if I just stayed away... I wish you the best of luck... tell minjung I'm sorry and I wish her to grow up to be someone sensational" he kisses his cheek and leaves to get discharged out of the hospital.

seungmin looks down and leaves the hospital to follow him.

"wait! you can't just do that..."

"this... this is harder than it already is... please just... just go..." jeongin avoids eye contact with him and walks away.

seungmin lets the tears fall down his cheeks as he falls down to the ground, not caring about if anyone is watching him.

the ones who were watching him was chan, felix, hyunjin and changbin.

"seungmin..." hyunjin is the first to speak.

"he broke up with me... he... he..." he doesn't finish his sentence, he just cries.

"I'm so sorry seungmin" chan says.

"you don't get to apologize! you broke up with me too! you don't get to have a say in my relationships or anything!" he stands up and walks away.

"oh man..." he then stops and looks down. "minjung will be heartbroken too..."


"why daddy!?"

"I guess he just didn't realize how much responsibility he would take when he marries me"

"what's that word?"

"it's like um... things you do when you grow up, like getting a job... or living in your own house... and in his case... marrying a father"

"seungmin... I'm so sorry" jennie sits next to him.

"I thought he was the one... hell, I said that about chan too... and look what happened" jennie hits him.

"language! but look... there's gonna be times where you experience heartbreak... it's gonna not be fun... but it means you're one step closer to finding the one"

"but I don't want to experience it anymore"

"well who knows, maybe the one will knock on that door" she chuckles at her own response.

then suddenly there's a knock at the door.


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