-- Hoofdstuk 32 --

38 22 7

----- Hoofdstuk 32 -----
Het was al laat. Ik lag in mijn bed. Ik sloot mijn ogen. Ugh, waarom lukte het me maar niet om te slapen? Ik was doodmoe. Het enige waar dat ik nog aan kon denken was mijn moeder, over hoe ze mij en mijn vader had behandeld. Ik begon te huilen in mijn kussen. Ik wou dat Noah hier was. Ik miste hem. Ik zou zo graag in zijn armen in slaap willen vallen. Ik nam mijn telefoon van mijn nachtkastje af.

Attraction-group! ⚡️☁️
U, Millie <3, Babe 🧸💕, Finny and

*you changed 23010-***-39 to Debbs :)*

U :
Hey guys, i can't sleep. Someone in the mood to go swim in the pond in my garden? I know it's late but i need something to do. 😕

Debbs :) :
But of course, Soph! I'm here for you! I'm coming!

Millie <3 :
Me too! Omw! 🤍

U :
Thanks guys. I'm going to tell my dad, y'all can come over already!

Babe 🧸💕 :
I would love to! But...My parents are kinda strict so I don't think i can come, i mean, my parents are gonna murder me if i come askt them in the middle of the night to go swimming. And if i go sneaky they will kill me to. The most safe way to stay alive is stay in my stupid bed 🙄

Finny :
I'm sorry but tomorrow i have to wake up early, I can't come over. Tomorrow night is an option? 🤗

U :
Of course! Tomorrow we will do the same :D - Debbie and Millie can come rn! <3

Ik sloop naar mijn vaders kamer toe. 'Pap, is het oké dat Debbie, Millie en ik samen gaan nachtzwemmen in de vijver hier? Ik kan maar niet slapen.', vroeg ik fluisterend. 'Ja, hoor. Zolang ik maar in mijn bed blijf liggen. Neem handdoeken mee naar buiten. En heb wat plezier!', bromde papa. Volgens mij sliep hij nog volledig. 'Dankjewel.', zei ik blij en stormde de trap af. Ik moest buiten zijn voor Debbie en Millie, als ze zouden aanbellen zou mijn vader wakker worden, dat is het laatste wat ik wou.

Ik was net op tijd . 'Hi guys, do y'all have your swimming clothes with you?', vroeg ik. 'Didn't i told you that i don't have that anymore?', ik zuchtte. Oh, ja dat was waar. 'No problem.', zei ik dan maar. 'I have a lot of swimming clothes. We probably have the same size.', stelde ik vast. 'Come guys, let's go to my room first to get some swimming clothes for Mills. Ze knikte en volgde mij de trap op.

'Let me see.', Mompelde ik toen we voor mijn kleerkast stonden. Ik ging op mijn hurken zitten om bij de onderste lade te kunnen. 'This is my closet with my swimming stuf. I have enough. You can choose which one first. What do you want a bathing suit or a bikini?', vroeg ik. Ik had twee schuifjes voor me, de linkse was vol met bikini's en de rechter zat propvol met zwempakken. 'uhh, give me a bikini. Then I look hotter.', zei ze met een knipoog. 'Mills, you know there aren't going to be any boys, right?', maakte ik haar duidelijk. 'Yes, of course I know. But have you met the boy next door? He is handsome! maybe he will see me', zei Millie. 'Wait, are you talking about my brother now? Or are you talking about the boy on the other side?', vroeg Debbie. 'Um, when we dropped you off at your house I saw your brother waving at the window. Honestly? he's hot!!', zei Millie. 'It seems like a disease, that love. Watch out, I think it's contagious! Oh wait, we've got all three of them already. First me with Noah, then Debbie with Finn, then Millie with Debbie's brother whose name she doesn't even know. Millie, no offense but you are a huge simp! Who knows, it might be her father!', lachte ik. 'Don't worry, he's my brother, and to be honest, I thought he was pretty handsome too. We started out as friends, but not much later both his parents died in a car accident. He had no one left. That's why my parents adopted him. So now he's my brother, not with blood or anything, just I call him my brother, he's part of our family now. At first I was in love with him, but if I'd told him it would have just ruined everything. I mean, he's my fucking brother! Who's dating their own brother now? A creep! But now I've met Finn, and I'm happier than ever. So Millie, go ahead, I don't need him.', legde Debbie uit. Millie stak haar tong uitdagend naar me uit. 'Nah-ah! No swimsuits for you, Mills.', behandelde ik haar als een baby. 'Unfair!', stampvoette Millie zoals een baby. Iedereen schoot in de lach. 'So Millie, a bikini? I counted 45 myself.', zei ik trots. 'Wow, Soph, are you saving them then?', zei Debbie bewonderd. 'Nah, I'm just obsessed. Anyways, what color do you want? I have one in rainbow. Three in green. Four in purple. Nine in red. five in white. seven in black. eight in blue. A yellow one. then I have two orange. three in pink. And two with a pattern. You see? Obsessed. If I'm right, I've listed them all!', mompelde ik. 'Hmm... Could I use a red one? Those look cool to me!', zei Millie. 'Sure Mills. I have nine of those, all a different model. One is super cool! It goes from top to bottom. Not a swimsuit, it's just a bikini, but the top and bottom hang together in a mega great way! He would really suit you!', stelde ik voor aan Millie. 'Ohh, that looks like fun indeed! I'm going to put it on right away!', antwoordde Millie enthousiast.
Heb je veel leesplezier gehad? Dat zal wel moeten want dit hoofdstuk heeft maar liefst 1002 woorden! Ik ben zo dankbaar dat ik al 600 reads heb!! Dank je! strangerxzitters Debbieebben_ <3

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