-- Hoofdstuk 25 --

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----- Hoofdstuk 25 -----
Nadat ik afscheid genomen had van Debbie, kwam Millie naar me toe. 'Urgh, bestie, tell me, does pineapple belong on a pizza or not? Noah and I are already discussing it all the way through the queue and not one of us is giving up. You have to help us with this!', zei Millie. 'Mills, do you know what happened while standing in line? Finn. He flirted with that nice girl who was also in the queue. Flirting, Mills. Flirting!', zei ik. 'So?', vroeg Millie. 'So what? Isn't that weird?', antwoordde ik. 'Not at all. That's how he is. Why? Are you maybe a little jealous?', zei Millie, en ze gaf me een speelse por in mijn buik. 'Not at all! I just want you and Finn to be a couple...', mompelde ik. 'But Soph, isn't Finn falling in love with whoever he wants? And be honest. Finn has good taste, I mean. Haven't you seen how beautiful Debbie is? She looks like a model!', zei Millie en ze nam een hap van haar appel. 'facts. You're right! Debbie is wonderful! Why didn't you come and join us? Then you would have gotten to know Debbie better. She's fantastic!', zei ik. Millie kauwde luid op haar appel. 'Urg, there's a piece of apple stuck between my front teeth. Anyways, I had a discussion with Noah, and you know me. I won't stop arguing until I've won the argument. I've been busy, Sophie.', zei Millie lachend. 'Of course', zei ik rollend met mijn ogen. Daarna kregen we de slappe lach.

We waren op weg naar een attractie die ons allemaal leuk leek. Finn en papa gingen dapper voorop met het overzicht van het attractiepark. 'I don't really believe that's going to work out. Finn's not the best card reader, so I hope your dad can do a little.', zei Millie net iets te luid tegen mij. 'Hey, I heard that!', zei Finn. Iedereen lachte. 'Shall we not go in this attraction? He seems nice to me. I'm going to read the information about it.', zei Noah. Hij liep naar het bordje met informatie toe aan de ingang van de wachtrij van de attractie. 'Guys! This seems like a nice attraction to me! I mean, the queue for this can take up to 10 minutes! The attraction itself goes up to 100 kilometers per hour! The attraction height is 40 meters high! Awesome! Come on, who's in?', riep Noah. Millie en ik keken elkaar aan. We twijfelden geen seconde! Natuurlijk gingen we mee. 'Um, I don't like to be a pussy, but I don't like fast attractions much, I'll be waiting here for you guys.', zei Finn en hij wees naar het bankje vlak voor ons. 'Yeah, actually neither do I. I'll join Finn!', zei mijn vader. We knikte.
Shoutout naar Debbieebben_ 😮‍💨💕

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