-- Hoofdstuk 51 --

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----- Hoofdstuk 51 -----
Noah haalde eens diep adem om tot rust te komen. 'You won't believe me if i'm going to tell you this.', mompelde hij. 'Babe, i will always believe you, no matter what you say.', fluisterde ik. Noah zuchtte. 'My sister's name was Debbie.', zei hij zo zacht dat ik het bijna niet kon horen. Maar ik hoorde het nog net. Ik stikte bijna. 'Can you repeat that?', vroeg ik. Gewoon zodat ik zeker kon zijn over het feit van wat Noah zonet zei. 'Her name was Debbie.', herhaalde hij. 'Hmm...', mompelde ik. Ik stond met mijn mond vol tanden en had geen idee over wat ik hierop moest zeggen. Daarom zei ik maar: 'Continue.', zodat de stilte verbroken zou worden.

'Debbie from the amusement park, and the same Debbie from swimming in the pond. Our friend. So I think she's my sister. I mean, she looks like her so why shouldn't it be possible?', opperde hij. 'You are right. But the fact that Debbie looks like your sister named Debbie means nothing. Oh, wait you're right... That is strange, indeed. But there are thousands of Debbies in this world. I mean, now listen. I did gymnastics when I was eight. What was my trainer's name? Debbie. My teacher when I was three years old from kindergarten was called Debbie. The woman who lived opposite me in Belgium, her name was Debbie. And what do you think my great-great-niece's name is? Indeed, her name is Debbie. If you really think our Debbie is your Debbie, sorry that sounded weird but you know what I mean. But if you think that, we have to investigate.', mompelde ik. Ik wist niet of ik nu moest denken of Debbie daadwerkelijk familie van Noah was of niet. Het klonk wel zeer geloofwaardig, toeval kan niet. Of wel?

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