-- Hoofdstuk 50 --

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----- Hoofdstuk 50 -----
'My backstory is long, i don't want to borrow you with my story.', mompelde hij. Nu maakte ik me zorgen. We passeerden een plek waar geen auto's voorbij kwamen. 'Alright, now we are going to get next to the road and take a break of riding, then you can tell me.', zei ik. Noah knikte en hij parkeerde de auto naast de weg.

'So what I wanted to tell you...', begon Noah. Ik keek hem doordringend aan. 'So you know i have a family of five members. Me, my mom and dad and my twin sister Chloe. But that wasn't always like that. I had another sister too. Her name was, eh, that doesn't matter for now. The incident happend about seven years ago. I was ten and my sister just turned eight. Chloe was having a sleepover with some friends. Me and my sister got some money from mom to buy ice cream when we arrived at the playground, because it was hot outside. It was summer. When we arrived I needed to pee. So i told my sister to wait for me and after that we should get an ice cream. She said "okay" and i left. But when i came back, I didn't found her. She was gone. Completely gone! For ever. So now, seven years later, she is still missing and nobody seems to remember her. Nobody knows, cause I wasn't famous when i was ten years old, and when I became famous, we decided to keep the fact that we had a sister for ourselves, so nobody would make a big deal about it even though it was an actual big deal. I always thought it was my fault, because i was the person who left her alone in the playground.', zei Noah. Ik zag zijn ogen nat worden. Een druppel water rolde over zijn wang. Zijn lip begon erg hard te trillen en zijn stem werd zwak. Ik had medelijden. Ik legde zijn hand op zijn ik en veegde met mijn duim zijn tranen weg. Zijn ogen waren rood aan het worden, zag ik. 'Awwh, Noah. Babe, why didn't you told me before?', vroeg ik. 'I didn't- i just didn't wanted to borrow you with things that happend in the past, you know?', vroeg Noah. Ik knikte. 'Why do you tell me this now?', vroeg ik. 'Well, what i just told you was just the beginning, the rest still has to come.

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