01 - naruto & kakashi

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~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

I gazed at the little kids running about the playground

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I gazed at the little kids running about the playground. A small smile tugged on my face as I caught a glimpse of the kid I was here for, Minato's baby boy.

I frowned when I realized how he cornered himself near the tree while the other kids enjoyed the companies of their friends. "Ms. Namikaze?" I heard a voice say beside me," How come you're here at the play area today," Iruka said, following my gaze.

"Oh?" He said, I smiled. "He got exactly his hair," I said, remembering the yellow head.

Naruto had no idea of having a family member. He grew up knowing absolutely nothing about his family, almost neglected from all the love of a family. I was hidden from him as there was a high chance of him getting hurt from the wandering adversaries of Minato.

I was almost as high in power as my brother, but going on and off on missions might not be a well security for the baby boy. But now that I was going to take a hiatus from the missions, it seemed like the time has finally come for me to step into the scene and take care of my only bloodline.

"Tomorrow's a big day then, your last mission before the years long break," I hummed, smiling. I rubbed my forearm, turning to face the man beside, "You seem.. genuinely happy for the first time in a long time," my smile fell to a small one, true.

The death of my brother left me devastated for weeks , months. Despite fighting for my own health, him leaving made it worse. Being around him made me feel at ease, he was all I ever needed in my life. He couldn't even see me become who I am now.

Replica of him? Not yet but on my way there. With Minato's thought in my mind, I turned my eyes to the boy, "I will take care of him, don't worry..Ni-san," I assured, watching as Naruto got up, dusting himself off. The kids were leaving him behind, didn't bothered to call him to leave for the orphanage.

My heart clenched,"Don't worry. A week from now, he will be going home. His home, with you." Iruka said, helping me gain even more confidence as we stared at the boy's back disappear.

"I am almost there, Naruto,"


Today's day seemed well cooperating. The sun was not disturbing, the clouds decided to hide leaving the sky cloudless. I smiled, fixing my long dress. A sudden smoke appeared in front, revealing a masked man.

"We need to talk," I stepped back, knowing what he's about to say,"Kakashi I know it's important for you but there's something more important for me to take care of," I said.

"You can't do this to me y/n, why did you-" I knew he was not going to listen now and let go so easily.

"Move Kakashi!" I said, pushing him out of my way. "WHY DID YOU GIVE ME A SPOILER!" He said, trying to stand still despite the push. "I didn't know you were keeping the so called 'best' part for the end," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

I was so close to finally meeting my brother's son but here this white headed cyclops decided to not let it happen sooner.

His eyes looked up and down at me,"Also," he stopped mid sentence,"what's up with this dress up?" He said, gesturing the dress, making me rescan the attire. I sheepishly smiled, soon realizing how he's making me wait even more. "I will say it only one more time," Slowly raising my fist.

Kakashi's face said it all, those eyebrow furrow and visible eye twitch, he moved,"All your way Miss," he bowed slightly, standing beside the road, gesturing me to walk.

I let out a sigh and didn't even bother to stand any longer. "But for real where you off to?" He asked,"Gross, is it a date?" "Taking my son home you can say," I said, making him halt. "Y-you," he said, slowly raising his hand.


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"Kakashi," I said, making him stop and stare at me as I continued,"I am taking Minato's son home, Naruto," His eyes softened and remained as an unreadable one.

"Uzumaki Naruto?"

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