30 - kimono and billions of stars

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"Look at this piece of art! hmm.." Hidan took no notice of Deidara's words as he was fascinated by the red-colored kimonos displayed in front that he asked the vendor to show.

The others remained scattered around the place. Kisame didn't take long in choosing his one and now waited for the others at the Dango shop.

Itachi quietly passed by the stalls, not planning to get anything to wear at the festival. He was not intending to even attend anyways. It was not something special for him anymore.

"It's been hours of you just wondering. Not liking anything?" Sasori asked, with two bags from a purchase.

"I guess," He replied in short.

"Oh. I got two, do you wanna take one?" Sasori said, bringing the bags close to his chest.

"It's okay, I am good here,"

"Well at least take a look. you might end up liking one," He insisted.

Itachi watched Sasori take one of the kimonos out and hand it over, "I don't know, it may look good on you. Now that I am thinking about it, take it as a gift from me,"

"Gift for Itachi? I have been with you way before you even knew him, man. I deserve it," Deidara chimed in. Sasori sighed, "You got three kimonos, that's more than enough for you." "That's favoritism, hmph," The two walked away from Itachi as he took a second look at the dress.

He put it inside the bag Sasori got it out from, took it with him, and set off for home. At least he doesn't have to stay here anymore, good thing for him.

"Heading home?" Kisame asked as the male walked past him. "yes,"

"I will come late. There's some business I need to take care of later," Kisame informed. Itachi listened and walked away once he was done talking.

The night came down tonight with billions of stars. People rested by the bank of the huge river for stargazing. Itachi examined the scene, an unknown feeling crept up along his heart. He didn't want to recognize it, so instead, he buried it and walked his way without even looking at the people.

His fate seemed as if it was written with the ink of loneliness. The situation got created in a way he never wanted, maybe this is how much life hates him.

Even the ray of happiness amidst the darkness couldn't help him. Or was she unable to get a hold of his hand this time? No feelings should come in the path he has chosen was what he wants to maintain for he knows, it will hurt them both. What scared him the most was her life getting stained with blood yet again.

She went through lots, he didn't want to be added. He thought, who am I kidding? maybe she married the love of her life, the man, I too once admired.

His future was already determined, no one can change it. He can steal her but who's going to take care of her later? Even his death won't bring him peace then.

"Kazuma! Don't run—" The little boy collided with Itachi, and he took a hold of him. "I am so sorry!" A man came running.

"It's alright," Itachi politely replied. The man made the kid apologize too, before leaving hand in hand.

Tonight hit him with a flood of feelings. It was one of the nights where he just want to stay alone, it must be the pity of fate that Kisame won't be going home any sooner.

He needs some time to recollect himself because if the feelings get out..it won't be him anymore.


"Sasuke doesn't know how to wear a kimono!" Naruto said, falling into wholehearted laughter.

"Heh, as if you don't wear the ready-made ones every other year," Sasuke retorted back.

The two quarreled in the back while Sakura, Kakashi, and I sat down and stargazed. The river in front painted the night sky on itself just the same.

"It's one of the nights," Sakura said, her eyes glistening with the star's light. I felt at peace. Many other people were sitting like us, enjoying today's night.

"Enough, Naruto, Sasuke. Come and join us," Kakashi said, with a sigh getting up to collect the fighting teens.

"Surprised that you aren't stopping the two tonight Sakura,"

"I am tired from the mission. I don't wanna waste my relaxation on those two," I raised my eyebrows, impressed at the improvement.

My eyes wandered around the place, falling across the river. There was darkness yet some visibility from the street lights.

A kid hit a man but the man was quick to get a hold. Another man came from behind and bowed with the kid, maybe apologizing? I smiled. So many thing is happening in one day in a different yet same place and mind.

"Do you miss someone right now Ms. Namikaze?" Sakura asked out of the blue.

"Maybe, and you?"

"I do. Let me just go and be with them then," She said getting up. I watched her walk up to Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke, and I sighed.

"It's good that she cares," I said, going back to the scene I was looking at. I couldn't help but stare at the figure as it walked. I quickly shook my head and got up too.

"Is anyone hungry?" I asked, walking up to them.

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