Itachi Uchiha

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I walked inside the huge warehouse where the Uchiha's were residing. Everyone still gave me the cold shoulder as I made my way through them. I could feel the daggers they were throwing at me.

"You're here," Shisui said upon seeing me. He was with some others who moved away as soon as I was in their view. "You're on time.." He said, looking around for some seconds.

"What's so urgent?" I asked. Shisui asked me to follow him, so I did. I couldn't ask him, he was too ahead of me while leading the way. I noticed the direction we were going, increasing my pace.

"Shisui?" He didn't answer. I decided not to ask him yet until we reached the place. Soon enough we were standing at the top near the river that lied many feet beneath us.

"What is it?" I asked, which made Shisui to turn to me. I stood there in shock, seeing the blood that stuck out of one of the eyes Shisui had kept closed.

"..What..? How—"

"Itachi, we were wrong. The fuel has been spilled near the fire and there's no way we can tame it now. The Uchiha's are gonna go on with their previous plan,"

Itachi asked in disbelief,"Weren't they the one who were against this?"

"Danzo..had some other plans rolled up in his sleeves. He won't let the Third let the Uchiha enter the village again. Only you know what will help us now Itachi. It's not easy for me to go on with our plan. It's you, who has to create the change. Here," Shisui went ahead to take his other eye out, making me look away instantly. "Keep this with you, Itachi.."

With that, I watched Shisui take his own life falling down the cliff. I needed to do something to make each and every sacrifice worth it. Along with Madara Uchiha, I ended the remaining Uchiha clan. Whatever I had set in my mind was not going to change. I will create the difference the ones who died couldn't.

"Do you remember what you said to me, Itachi Uchiha?" Madara asked, as the boy stood behind him emotionless.

"I do keep my words." I answered.

"Make sure to not keep any ties behind. It won't let you move or make trustable, Itachi. Let's get going,"

"I'll, after I am done reporting to the higher ups."

"Oh hmm."

After I was done reporting to the Third and asking for the favour to take care of Sasuke, I didn't expect to see her. Y/n. I saw her walking with a bunch of flowers in her hand, soon Kakashi-san helped her with it. If i leave without a word now, will she understand me? She can read my silence, right?

I can't hurt her by standing infront of her after what I have done. Maybe she might tell me I was wrong, I am afraid she will hate me for what happened. She will understand my silence, I know her. She will.


She moved on from me. I was wrong this time. She didn't understand my silence. The day I watched her with that new look changed my entire life and thoughts. She couldn't wait for my explanation, she couldn't see through me. I was selfish to always think that she would be the one to always know without me letting her know by myself.

She's happier with the life she's leading. I don't wanna be a bother to her.


There was always a part that I never understood what it was yearning for so much. It made all sense once I saw her infront of my doorstep; I was longing to have a glimpse of her. The chaos that went on for months finally calmed down but being beside someone I shouldn't be showing my emotions in front of, I went ahead to take care of it on my own.

Before I could take all the sudden occurrence within me, She surprised me with probably the best gift I have ever received: My child, Seito.

His little movement and features made me realise that I can fall in love twice, once with his mother and now with him. But that happiness had a flaw too, I won't be able to see them frequently. Rather, once in a long while.

Watching her made me realize how big of an asshole I was to leave her behind with our child. I have seen my own mother struggling so much with Sasuke. I saw her crying, throwing up, not being able to get up from bed, the body aches which made me swore that I won't leave my own wife alone during her pregnancy. But look at me, doing what I despised the most.

Y/n asked me for my reasonings, if I did blurt it out will it make any difference to the pain she had bore for the past 9 months? Will everything suddenly get better and we will become a little family just how I imagined some while ago?

Do I even deserve all these?

I don't. So I won't, mendle in her life ever again and let the man who was not a coward like me stay by her side and make her the happiest.

"I..have no reason y/n. I am at fault, I will be at fault. I am always running away from everything, from everyone. I don't know what I was trying to achieve but look, I lost it all. Now I can't even insist you to stay,"

My tongue almost held me back from saying all these, but it had to be done for her betterment. I am okay being a side character in her life, I didn't deserve anything that she had given so far.


"Is the kid going to come in between you and your plans Itachi?" Tobi asked, with his arms crossed over his chest while leaning against the tree. He was always a bad news, every word I say to him will result in the next outcome of my life.

"I am not moved by that kid. I am determined about the future that I created months ago," I said, not meaning a shit only to save what I have remaining.

Tobi didn't seem convinced,"Aaa, really? Let's see. Hope nothing comes in your way then Itachi," He ended the conversation, before using his Kamui to leave the place.

—End of flashback—


4 years later..

The time was ticking away as my body dragged me forward. Every inch of my body inside was screaming for help. Sasuke's back hit the fragment of the building that got demolished for our wrath that went on for an hour or more.

"Those...eyes..are mine.." I said out, which added more to the fear of Sasuke. It was quite intriguing to see him get scared of my words even when I cannot properly move anymore. I soon reached near him, noticing his breathing get hitched.

"Sorry Sasuke, this is for the last time," My smile was the only muscle that I was able to move before falling on my back beside Sasuke. What did I see before my eyes were closing? My almost 4 years old running towards me along with my love with a smile, welcoming me back home as Sasuke was the one to lift him up in his arms. Do I really deserve to imagine such a happy moment float infront of my hazed up vision before completely leaving them behind? Maybe they won't hate me for imagining them during my end times, right?

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now