52 - Secrets. Well, not anymore.

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Some hours later

"What does it seem like?" Anko asked Kurenai as they examined my stomach. Well, I can't hide it anymore. It was obvious now. Kurenai gasped, turning back to let the others know,"Y/n is pregnant!"

"What???" Asuma came forward. I was dragged onto the couch awhile ago by the two curious cats who had been suspicious since last month.

"What in the world..." I heard Iruka exclaim in disbelief. He turned to Kakashi who seemed laid back even at the shocking news.

"Kakashi-san you knew all along?" Making everyone turn to him.

"I guess you can say that, hmm," He simply said.

"These two—" Asuma stopped, taking a glance at both of us. "Is it your baby?" He asked Kakashi.

"huh?" Anko said, turning to look over at me.

I looked at him, as he turned his eyes to me from Asuma. My eyes averted his gaze. I don't have the courage to say the truth,"Is it?" Iruka asked, with a louder tone.

"Are you two.. going to be parents?" Kurenai asked.

Kakashi got up, coming near me to take a seat beside. "Does it seem like we would do that?"


"No doubt,"



The mixed reactions worried me even more. "What do you say y/n?" Kakashi asked. He knew what he was doing. At the end, he was right. I would want him.

He eye smiled, saying,"It is indeed my baby," as he turned to face the room who had an 'as expected ' nod.

"It's too early for her though.." Iruka said, having worry plastered on his face.

"I know but I am ready to take care of my mistake, hmm?" He wrapped his arms around my shoulder, pulling me close.

"No wonder you two suddenly got awfully close," Anko said, taking a seat on the couch next to the one we were sitting on.

"How did you get through the first trimester? I am having a rough time," Kurenai said, with a stressed out look. Asuma noticed, getting a hold onto his lady to comfort her.

I smiled,"It wasn't, you saw me throwing my stomach out." I said, not realising how I was still in his grip until Anko said,"Look at these 4, get married already!"

"Well, we are getting married," The room suddenly lit up at the sudden announcement by Asuma.

"Wah-" Anko expressed at the huge amount of disbelief. "What else is there to be announced? Iruka, are you pregnant too?"

"Oh my God, congratulations!" I said, getting up to hug Kurenai.

"What about you? Are you getting married?" Iruka answered back to Anko.

Kakashi got up with me and went to congratulate Asuma. "I would have suggested a double wedding but it seems like the two of you are already overwhelmed with the baby. Wedding would take some time to be coming into you two's thought," Kurenai said, as I shook my head.

"No no, it's your special day. Only you should be the main focus, I don't wanna take half the attention to me," I smiled.

"I would love to have you take that attention. Don't worry about that,"

"It seems too early for her, I don't wanna stress her with a wedding," Kakashi said on behalf of me, taking my hand in his.

"And if you do want one.." He started,"I will instantly ask you to be my wife,"

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now