13 - seeing his face

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I shook away all the thoughts and looked at Itachi,"so where's Naruto and Sasuke? And how long was I sleeping for?" I said, sheepishly smiling. He smiled back, taking a seat on the edge.

"For like 5 hours? And yeah they are probably sleeping, it's only 5 in the morning,"

"Oh! Then, why is you still awake?" I narrowed an eye at him, he just smiled. "Just yeah, no reason,"

-parenting and lovelife of Ms Namikaze-

~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

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2 weeks later

Naruto walked beside me as I walked to the patient ward. "Are you sure you aren't doing this to get ramen from me later Naruto?" The 7 year old gave a death stare to me. I fake gasped, before giving in with a soft chuckle.

"Here we are!" I said, opening the door. "Be quiet in here," I closed the door behind us and let Naruto go with the flower he picked himself. "Naruto?" I heard Kakashi say, making my smile to show. It will be like seeing him after a month of not talking or even meeting.

I got discharged yesterday and he was asked to be kept in here for another two days. My heart paced and uncontrollably beat as I stepped towards his bed. I turned to the side, meeting his face for the first time in a while.

His eyes went wide, so did mine. He wasn't wearing his mask. I didn't take a second to entirely turn away. "Kakashi-san, you're too good looking compared to how you behave," I heard Naruto say.

"Your Aunt thinks otherwise, no y/n?" I rubbed my temple and didn't answer back. "Are you here to meet me or just stand there still not over the fact that I held someone else beside you on my back?" I cleared my throat, scoffing.

"As if. Huh what do you think I am? As if, as if I am or was upset about it. You WERE avoiding me. You didn't come near me or even talk for like a week and more,"

"So you noticed?"


"I don't mind you seeing me, come here if you want,"

The sudden first look was better than this nerve wrecking intentional one. I was not ready to see him yet, I don't want to. Though I got a glimpse, I didn't want to anymore. I held onto my heart,"wear y-your mask, pl-ease,"

"See, your aunt hates it," He said, to Naruto. "I don't, it's too much to take,"

"Yeah now you can,"

"Good," I said, turning around and taking the chair beside his chair to take a sit by him. "So-" I faced him, he lied. I closed my eyes shut and tried to turn away when he held onto my face.

"It's okay, y/n. Look at me, I don't care as long as it's you," he assured. But only if he knew it was more than that. I was on the edge of falling. These past few days made me think alot about him unknowingly. Now this, will surely make me. I already knew he was too pretty to resist and witnessing it would definitely make me go wild.

"Y/n-San! Kakashi-san is really pretty. You won't hate it," Naruto encouraged in the wrong timing. "It's okay if she doesn't want to-" he said, slowly letting go of my face but my hands held onto his.

"I want to.." I said, slowly making my eyes open. I let go of the stiffness and couldn't move my eyes away, what did you do to yourself y/n..?

I hesitantly raised my hand to trace his scar, traveling down to his beautifully placed mole. I held one side of his face, he smiled tilting his face towards my hand.

My body was relaxing too much as I lost control of it, crashing my head on his lips. "I am.. drained,"

"...y/n-san couldn't handle your prettiness," Naruto commented from the side, gaining laughs from both of us. I rested on his chest as he pulled me closer to him, moving me from the chair to his bed.

"...huuuh?" I looked at Naruto, he gave us a side eye. "Come here," Kakashi said, pulling him to the other side. "I hate hugs!" Naruto said, trying to pull away from Kakashi.

He stopped, calming down and giving in to the hug,"I guess one hug won't hurt," he said, looking away. Two of us fell into a soft laugh, Naruto joining in a second later.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now