51 - "It wasn't about Me"

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5 months later

I gasped loudly at the scene on the mirror. My stomach, it's showing alot now. "ah.." I sighed, taking a good look with stress.

"How am I supposed to hide it now?" i mumbled, hoping to never go out again.

But unfortunately,"Y/n-san, are you going?" I need go out now for the items Naruto and Sasuke cannot go on with their cooking without.

I forcibly smiled,"Hmm, i am." I said, taking my purse from the bed and heading to the front door as Naruto followed.

"Are you two sure the people can have the food?" I teased, making Naruto whine. I softly laughed, apologizing.

I waved at him, getting my shoes on and heading out the door. I shut the door behind me, not wasting any second. I need to get back home early, in case they set the kitchen on fire.

I wore a trench coat to hide the visible stomach. Luck didn't seem to be on my side, the weather couldn't get any hotter even when it had all these weeks, it choose today to be the hotest. I felt the sweats run down on my back as my feet dragged me along the pavement.

"why today.." I whined, pulling the sleeves up to relieve some heat. I couldn't wait for the winter to come now, I was tired of wearing the baggy outfit everyday. Even my ninja attire had an additional piece of clothing, just so I could hide the bump.

But what scared me the most are the upcoming months and when they will be here. What will i say to the people? I adopted another kid? For now, I didn't wanna think about my future. What matter now is how am i going to hide my pregnancy.

My thoughts carried me away to even realize I was halfway to the middle of the grocery shops. I stopped on my feet, turned around to look for the shop i was here for. The usual vendor I frequently get my groceries from came in sight. As always, all the items were fresh and clean.

I picked out the cucumbers and some capsicums which were listed on the list by them.

"Pack these for me," I asked the vendor, as she smiled and took the items that i had in my hands. "It's been a long time since you came around here, y/n. It's always Naruto who gets stuff for you now, are you sick?" The old lady asked, putting the stuffs inside a bag. "I have to teach him about all the stuffs, so i let him go on independently on these chores. I need to raise a gentle man," My statement made her laugh, making her agree afterwards. I hummed quietly, looking at the other items, thinking about getting them as well.

"doesn't her stomach seem strange?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the statement that was a harsh whisper to someone I am guessing.

"Yeah! it's bigger now! Is she pregnant? Oh lord, isn't she young? who's her husband? don't tell me that child's fatherless?" My heart dropped. My entire body stopped, making me keep the items that i had in my hand back in its place.

"she deserves that for playing with two guys at the same time, oh how disgusting. She should have settled down with one but look at her, being careless and irresponsible," I stood there speechless.

Who are they even..? I was about to turn around when a hand wrapped around my shoulder, holding me tight. "What are you doing here alone?" I looked over to see the masked man with white hair.

"Kakashi.." I heaved a sigh, as the vendor handed me the packed stuff.

"How much for them?"

"i can pay," I said, fumbling with the purse, struggling to get the cash out. His hand stopped me, making me stare at his hand that was on top of mine.

"you clearly can't. Right. now." I can hear the concern yet seriousness in his tone. My body gave up, the hormones started to act up.

"Thank you for your purchase, see you around again Y/n," She smiled, as I feebly returned the smile.

Kakashi took the grocery in his hand, as we turn to face the gossips. Two ladies looked at somewhere across the street where my eyes followed. A lady with a visible pregnancy, trying to mind her own business. 'It wasn't about me..'

I witnessed the scene with Kakashi, which made him lightly squeeze my shoulder. We were about to walk past the ladies when Kakashi made the both of us stop,"How about," He started, making me turn to look at the ladies," minding your own businesses? the world would have been a better place if nitpicking stopped. How about you two start first?"

"W-what?" One of the ladies asked in confusion.

"Kakashi..stop," I said, gently pushing him away from them.

"how embarrassing it is to be poking your bothersome self everywhere? must be tiring,"

"Kakashi!" He looked down at me.

"Wah!" The other lady scoffed, making me turn to her apologetically.

"I am sorry on behalf of him," I said, keeping him behind me as I bow to them.

"Take care of your husband. He seems to enjoy all these.." The lady said, looking away and fanning herself as she cleared her throat.

"...i will.." I said, turning my head to him. He shrugged, making me scoff.

I stormed out of there, catching him off guard. "y/n!" He called out, running behind.

I took a turn at the corner and stopped, making him almost collide into me as he took the turn too.

"you scared me!" He said, acting as if he got a stroke.

"Stop embarrassing me around. I asked you to stop bothering me, didn't I?"

"How and why?" He asked, keeping his hands inside the pocket.

"Ah Kakashi!" I was frustrated with his stubbornness.

"I won't stop luring around unless you give me a proper reason for turning me down!" He said, now crossing his arms across his chest.

I gapped my mouth, soon making myself stop. He seemed impatient,"Kakashi.. it's not going to work out,"

"It will. It surely will, I need to know. Why are you not.." He sighed mid sentence,"... accepting me,"

I stared into his eyes which were hungry for a reason, that would calm his 4 months long desperation and frustration.

I can't ruin your life.. I can't mendle you in my confusion and irresponsible actions..

"Leave it." I said, taking the groceries away from his hand and turning around on my heels.

"Huh.." I heard him say. I kept my pace and walked away from him. "Well you enjoyed it! Didn't you! When she claimed me as your husband!" I stopped. His footsteps emerged from behind.

"That claim will surely come true," He walked infront of me, standing before me,"the reason why you're pushing me away, will become a reason why you will want me more.."

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now