37 - Uchiha clan will return..

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The lights all went out, leaving him to be in more light and visible than me. I walked closer as his head seem to tilt. "You still think I am the same?" He asked, as I stood at the balcony door, with a smile,"You got so much to explain,"

"I am not the same anymore," He reminded. "Don't be surprised to see me attacking you—"

"you won't." He paused for a moment, letting me enjoy before he says something to ruin my guess.

"you're right, i won't." The soft alluring smile formed on his lips, showing me what I missed about him all these years.

I stared at him, realizing how he still had the pretty features, nothing changed. Maybe the height? He too seemed to stay quiet and pass the moment by with own thoughts and searching for each other's change in the past years. I found none, except for the height.

"You do clubbing?" I looked down at myself, panicked. There's no point in hiding, I had been standing here for the past 7 minutes. He saw what he could by now.

"Yeah I do," I shortly answered, waiting for my turn to ask. He walked towards the wall beside me and leaned onto it, facing me as I turned to my left to face him too.

"Where are they?" I said, trying to sense their chakra. I watch his eyebrow raise. "so..you have read the diary?" I nod with a pursed lip smile.

"Shisui is in the ANBU, did you see he purple marking mask on one of the ANBU that guards the third? That's him," I was surprised, it showed on my face.

"What about the others?"

"The Third is hosting a huge banquet,"

"Yeah, on the 14th of this month,"

"Hmm, we will be then revealed to the villagers by him." He said, making me feel anxious about how the people are going to take it.

After the Uchiha massacred, the numbers didn't match. Some bodies were missing. I checked and went ahead to count each body by myself, still the number fell short. The Third asked me to proceed on with the funerals anyways, which I did found strange. Not just less, but a huge number seemed to be taken out.

Later this year, I came across a diary back in the Uchiha clan after it was done renovating in Itachi's room. He handwrote details of what had went down and how many Uchiha agreed to not attempt the coup d'etat. The information seemed skeptical which I didn't hesitate to take it to the Hokage. He confirmed, it was true.

Soon I joined the dots with the conversation I had some time ago with Mikoto-san.

Unfortunately, Itachi's father voluntarily asked him to be the rightful one and take his life. He forcibly had to, along with it, his mum's life too. Now I am unsure, whether he knows about his mother or not. Shisui knows, he should too.

"I saw you relaxed, it said you knew everything." He said.

"I was waiting for you to show up, took you long enough."

I looked at his attire keenly, realizing how he still wears his normally type outfit on the inside. I went ahead and move his cloak to a side to see whether my guess was right, and I was.

"hmm?" He asked with a hum.

"Your style didn't change either," I said, looking up at him.

"I did try some new other ones, couldn't really find one that was okay with my taste,"

"After the Uchiha comeback, let's go together to search for your style. I have a stylist friend now, Harashi. She's the best and her collection is always upto date." I said, the smile remained as I talk while his eyes stayed as he listened.

"Uchiha comeback, hmm." I pulled him down next to me, as he softly laughed and continued,"Anything that you want and like."

He was just as sweet as I remembered that day in the dead flower field. "Oh right. You remember the flower field? we were on? It was a various flower field. And like.." He said, checking his cloak," I found some baby's-breath, you like them." He pulled out a bunch of the flower as some of them detached from the stems and littered his clothes.

"Oh no," He said, dusting them off.

"I am impressed," I said raising my eyebrows.

I heard footsteps near the door, followed by a knock. "Y/n? Are you done?"

"Kakashi-san.." Itachi whispered from the side, making me take a look at him as he stared back at me.

"Not yet!" I said, turning to the door.

"..Will it...take time?" He asked, with some pause.

I got up, walked inside the room and replied,"No.."

"I will wait here then, if you don't mind.."

Two arms held me back with a hug, I froze with eyes shook. His mouth came close to my ears, saying,"I am here now..near too, I will meet you often too. Goodnight," He let go of me, making me unable to move. The lights came back instantly as I stood facing the door.

I forced myself to open the door, having the sudden urge to quickly see Kakashi. He stood straight and turned as I feel a relief when his eyes fell upon me. What did just happen?

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