49 - Foetus

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"Look who's here," I stood by the door as my hand rested on the knob, sheepishly smiling. He scoffed, crossing his arms and saying,"How did the Queen come by? Are you here by mistake?" He said, sliding his chair to a shelf with reports and paperwork while I close the door behind me and went ahead to take a sit.

"You see, things kept on getting in the way." I came with a convincing excuse.

"Either way, your health should be the first priority. Have you been feeling the same?" He asked, still looking for the papers.

"It stopped, now just my abdomen area sometimes hurt a little. Everything else is okay," He stopped, taking a little glance at me.

He flashed a smile, before pulling his chair towards the table with a file. "Where's your boyfriend at?" He asked out of the blue, making me hum,"hmm?"

"The good news shouldn't be for you only. Your man deserves to hear it too," At that instant, knocks on the door made us turn our head.

"Umm.." A head popped up,"Oh this is the right place,"


"Naruto called. He messed up some things at home, do you want me and Sasuke to go and take care of it or are you almost done?" He asked.

"Are you a friend of Ms. Y/n?" Tadashi asked, making me turn to him.

"He is," I answered, as Kakashi greeted him.

"Please come inside and have a sit! I won't take time, and you two can be on your way to the mess at home," He said, opening the file as I hear Kakashi close the door and take a sit beside me.

"you have to be somewhere," I said to him. He took a glance, saying,"I am here already, where else was i supposed to be at?" He said, leaning back on the chair making himself comfortable.

"The news was supposed to be shared with her man but I am guessing he's unfortunately not present here. But good news are meant to be shared between two people so let it be a friend!" I sighed at how he was beating around the bush, he understood and cleared his throat.

"You have conceived a little foetus who's by now a week and some days old." My heart sank.

"Daily checkups are not a must but to avoid complications, make sure you visit the—"

"You're joking right?" I spoke out, silencing the room. I let out a taunting laugh,"That's absurd Tadashi." I took some time, as they let me have some for myself.

"i am not... pregnant, I can't be!" I said, almost in disbelief. He handed me the papers. I didn't wanna see them, in fear that maybe he is right.

"Calm down first and then let's—"

"Tadashi you're not understanding—"

"Y/n, shh.." I felt a hand on my right arm, which brought me out of my disbelief state.

"Thank you for holding onto the news and report. When are we supposed to make a visit?" Kakashi spoke on behalf of me as I proceed what had I just hear.

Tadashi seemed hesitant at my reaction but answered Kakashi anyways,"After First month.." His tone got down as he watched me sit in silence.

"Alright then." He answered, turning to me. "Let's go y/n," He helped me get up from the chair. My body didn't wanna move. Words are not enough to describe the way my entire world flipped. A baby?

"y/n.." I hear Tadashi say, making us halt. He continued,"...don't forget your frequent visits at my chamber just to get that baby..You get me?" I listened to him quietly. "I hope, you do what's the best to you but please.. please don't forget those painful treatments to get what you have now."


"Kakashi? say something?" I desperately asked when the entire hallway walk he gave me his taunting silence. Still no words. "Kakashi? Kakashi!" I said, slightly shaking him to speak.

His eyes turned to me, with an unreadable rest. "What can I even say? You're carrying a life right now, a life." I stood back, hearing him continue with his words,"It's Itachi and yours, isn't it?" Itachi..

"What am I supposed to say? Do i even have a right? I don't," With that, he stopped. I watched him as my eyes start to avert his.

"what.." I breathe out heavily,"..do you mean?" He stood with his body facing me.

"You know how to take care of everything. Let the new one come into the world and let the rest of your responsibilities get abandoned just like that, you're great at doing that. Abandoning the old for new ones,"

My mouth gaped. His eyes came to a realization as they softened. He stepped forward making me step back. "You.." "Y/n—" ".. really said that.."

I moved away from him, clenching the file into my palm. I felt the tear slide down, making me just walk away from him. "Y/n! y/n—" He got a hold on my hand as I snapped my hand back.

"Don't you dare touch me.." My voice broke. "I don't want to ever..see you again.."

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now