18 - "liar"

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—last chapter

"do I like him..?"

"I can safely say you don't," I sighed in relief.

"but you did like someone in the middle. You didn't tell me everything, y/n,"

-lovelife of Ms Namikaze-

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"think about it, there must have been someone else between the picture for whom you felt something but since Itachi came in between, you thought the arousing feeling was for him maybe? but you looked for answer in Itachi, it wasn't there," right..it was you..

"and how do you know?" I asked.

"well, I read something," he said, showing me the book in his hand.

True, maybe it was Kakashi all along. I did start to realize ever since I saved them from Akatsuma for that his devastating state disturbed me a lot. It was always there but it took me some time to notice. Now that he joined the dots for me, I was sure.

I shivered when a gust of wind blew. "Go on inside, I will leave then," He said, getting up from sitting. I felt like sitting there, it was comforting despite the weather being harsh.


I leaned against the railing and thought about it, I need to get over him and slowly cut him off to avoid this one sided relation.

Several days later..

I stormed my way to the third's office. The door was already wide open, good thing my anger won't have to kick it open. I knocked on the door for a few and got the permission to enter.

"why did itachi got shifted to Danzo's Black Ops Anbu? why did you allow it, Hokage-sama?" I asked with frustration in every nerve of my body. It took me some time to notice Kakashi's presence who seemed to stand there bothered to what I just did and said.

"calm down, Ms. Namikaze. I understand your exasperation but we should respect Itachi's decision," I exaggeratedly sighed, pinching my nose bridge. "I-..oh Lord," I bowed to the Hokage and apologized for the raise of voice and raged actions.

"Understandable but don't let your emotions to rule over you, Ms. Namikaze. It seemed very unprofessional of you,"

"I deeply apologize," He looked over to Kakashi and nodded. He bowed back in response and left the room, almost brushing his shoulder against me. "Let's hope Danzo doesn't try to make Itachi do anything bad," I had no answer in return for that I felt something bad would happen.

I walked out the office and there stood Kakashi, quite a steps away leaning against the wall. I had a stern headache from the thoughts of letting Itachi go to someone who absolutely despise the Uchihas, took interest upon him? my ass.

"Get ready, liar. We are going on a short mission," Liar? My ear got hot from the sudden irritation I felt as soon as he spoke out such a comment in this heat of a moment.

"Mind explaining your remark, Kakashi?" He shook his head sideways, sighing. He came upto me and flicked softly on my scrunched forehead. I rubbed it, feeling alot at ease from the sudden quick touch. "Calm yourself down. Keep Naruto under Iruka's observation for the few days,"

"And here I thought I was on a hiatus- hey wasn't it suppose to be a 'short' one?"

"Well, now that I think about it. Hmm, it isn't short," He eye smiled. My face twitched at how dumb he sounded. "Are we departing now?"


"Give me 30 minutes." I said and walked out of the building in a hurry. I had the sudden urge to talk to Itachi about it, but where is he at right now?

I got on top of one of the rooftops and looked around, Which way does my instinct says he is at? My head turned to the west side, taking it a guess where he could be at.

As soon as I was about to leap onto the next roof, someone called out my name from behind, making me lose my balance,"Y/n- y/n!" Kakashi said, as I free fall from the roof. Get your balance- oh no..

I fell into someone's arms, the familiar scent,"You're still as clumsy as before," I heard his deep voice say, making me recognize him.

"I was looking for you," he let me down. I looked up at the rooftop where Kakashi stood, staring down at us.

"I almost died because of you bakashi!"

"is it my fault you're that dumb," He said, landing down beside us. Itachi greeted him to which he just eye smiled.

"pack some formal dresses with you, we will have to attend some luxurious parties there."

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now