12 - Itachi to help you

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"Always guard your back," I heard him say, making me smirk. "Always guard YOUR back," I repeated. "What!" "Rasengan!" I moved away from beneath him and jumped away to a nearby tree. Using shadow clones was not something I am used to. It always drains me. I huffed for air but remained alerted.

I saw his corpse where I used the rasengan at, is he that easily dead? With a puff of smoke, the body infront disappeared. I knew it. "Testing out with a clone, you taught me this, didn't you?"

-life of y/n Namikaze-

~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

His chakra was radiating so much from his body but how come it was just a shadow clone? "It's the beginning y/n, hang in there

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His chakra was radiating so much from his body but how come it was just a shadow clone? "It's the beginning y/n, hang in there. You have lots to see," Within split seconds, he got behind me. He's fast! Even before I could act and move, he got my back and threw a huge blow at me.

I spat blood out,"I said hang in there y/n!" My body was not letting me fight, what happened! I shrieked in pain, moving away from him. I can't beat this evolved Akatsuma in Taijutsu, he was stronger than what I faced few years ago.

I spit out more blood and waited for him to show more of his actions, to analyze his actual power. "Aww, I just started the fun," He reappeared infront of me, picking me up by the throat.

"Just. Like. That." He said, slowly increasing his grip strength. No wonder Kakashi couldn't take him down. I took a deep breath in and let go of his hands.

"Already done-" I spun around, kicking his jaw with all the force I had. I flew off to a safer hiding place, trying to collect myself. Stop thinking about what you saw, think about winning and taking them to the hospital asap y/n! "There's no point in hiding y/n,"

He took my wrist, throwing me across the field. I didn't fall this time but got down in one knee, getting the balance. The stones behind me moved away for the force they experienced. He looked at me as he walked towards me,"Well, well," I said, breathing heavily while getting up.

"I will not wither yet, and will live upto the name you have given to me," I sprinted towards him, summoning my shadow clones. Scattering all the way, made my chakra built kunais to penetrate through his skin.

I threw them from the back and front, he dodged all safely. "RASENGAN!" My clones went from the back again as the ones from the left and right threw the chakra built kunais.

"It won't work on me, it's useless," With few more run, I attached the paper bombs before Running far away from him.

"What was that-" he stopped, realizing he was stuck with strings all around him. "When did you- don't tell me the kunais!" I showed him the kunais with chakra strings attached to it.

"Not everytime will I show the same techniques," he tried to move but I gave all the chakras I had to make them, it was not going to tear that easily," You strengthen your old jutsus while I create new ones, Akatsuma," I said, activating the paper bombs, not wasting a second.

The explosion made me fall to the ground, huffing. I was fully drained. "Not yet will I lose," The voice made every bones in me shiver. I quickly got up and took my kunai out from the back of my pocket. I tched, not being able to stand properly for the wounds in the back of my leg.

I saw the fleshy body ascend from beneath the ground, making me step back what is that even?! "I am not done yet!" I backed away as he came running towards me.

"Katon!" A body quickly covered me as I heard screams that belonged to Akatsuma. "Aoi! Are you okay?" Tenzo. "It's Itachi, he's here," He said, helping my body to finally completely rest.

Footsteps came running towards us as Tenzo let go of the wooden shelter behind him. "Can you walk?" Itachi asked to which I tried, only being able to stand.

"Don't just wait for me, I can walk. Take Hounds and the others back to the village as soon as possible!" Five of them took the command and left in an instant.

"Why are you standing? Go?" I said, exhaustion clear in my tone as I fell to the ground again. "For this," Itachi said, sighing. He sat between my legs,"hop on," He didn't let me move but made me.

He secured me on his back and held me firmly. I winched in pain, he touched the wounded area. He moved away his hand and started for his way back to the village.


I woke up to the sharp pain in my right leg. The lights were too bright, making me squeeze shut my eyes. They began to water as I tried to slowly open them. I couldn't figure out the place but the green curtains made me recognize.

I was in the village hospital. I had a huge bandage in my right leg and a cast around my left hand. Was I battered that badly? How come it didn't hurt much- nevermind it's there. I reacted to the back and forth pain soundless.

I leaned back and the picture of seeing Kakashi in such a state floated infront, making me remember about him. "Where is he?" I got down my bed and felt a string pull me, along with e piercing pain in my forearm. IV fluids.

"How am I supposed to move!"

"Y/n? Are you awake?" The curtains opened, Itachi stood in front. "How are you feeling-" "Where's Kakashi?"

He paused, making me grow impatient. "He's in another room," I stopped, realizing how I was panicking for no good reason. Maybe I should be tensed, I am after all his friend right? I said to myself, feeling like it's not a good reason to panic.

I sat down on the patient bed and wondered why was I acting weird in the middle of the fight when I didn't react upon seeing him? Weird and overdramatic of me, right?

I shook away all the thoughts and looked at Itachi,"so where's Naruto and Sasuke? And how long was I sleeping for?" I said, sheepishly smiling. He smiled back, taking a seat on the edge.

"For like 5 hours? And yeah they are probably sleeping, it's only 5 in the morning,"

"Oh! Then, why is you still awake?" I narrowed an eye at him, he just smiled. "Just yeah, no reason,"

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