42- Flower Garland he made

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Third Person

Kakashi unlocked the door and entered into his cold apartment. He turned the lights on, taking his vest, gloves and headband off.

12 AM

He hopped into the shower to get a quick rinse, letting the tiredness of the long day to wash away. The warm water felt calming and good for him, making him crave for a sleep. A long one. This was probably the first time, he actually wanted to sleep.

Turning the shower off, he pat himself dry and got into his night wear. He turned the bathroom lights off, drying his hair as he walked to his room.

A thud sound made him go and inspect, only to find the book he had the entire day on the floor near where he kept his vest. He got down while ruffling his hair with the towel, getting a good look at the opened book.

His heart dropped when he realized, which book it was. Kakashi had a habit of underlining lines he liked the most, that's why he purchases two books at the same time. One for normal reading, while the other for scribbling,"She saw..the markings..." He got the book in his hand, flipping through the pages to read what he wrote while underlining some of the lines.

k.h - only if it were us ><

k.h - us if y/n didn't stop talking.

k.h - fuck.. something I would love to see her do.

k.h - i can't help but see you in here ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧

k.h - me, her and naruto.

k.h - aaaaaaaaaaaa

k.h - definitely her.

k.h - fml.

k.h - can't see her here. (she ain't dying and leaving me anywhere)

k.h - bwahahaha it's her.

He fell down, sweating profusely. "I won't be able to face her now.." He said to himself, keeping the book closed and beside.


Some days later

"Did you two get your dresses yet?" Kurenai asked the two others beside her.


"Neh," They turned to the one who still didn't get her dress when the banquet was tomorrow. "When are you going to even get it? there's a matter of fitting you know that?" Anko said to Y/n, making her realize how she might get unlucky with the dress.

"Leave mine out. I will just go to Harashi, she will get me something decent to wear I am hoping. What are you two getting?" Y/n changed the topic, also hoping to get some idea out of their ones.

"I am wearing beige and matching with Asuma," Kurenai said, with excite while having her ice cream.


"Well I have some dresses picked out, just the person needs to say their one's color so that I can decide," She said, with a coy smile before going inside the bag to get her ice cream.

Y/n could guess the person,"Who's it?" Kurenai asked, showing her dimwit side.

"Kakashi obviously," She said, having some pink blush on her cheeks. Y/n noticed, turning back to the bag of ice cream that she got to hold.

She remembered the book's markings, smiling as she looked up at the front. They reached the hall, being greeted with a different scene now. Every decor was set and in their perfect place.

She couldn't join the others for the work here since she had to take care of Mikoto-san. She entered the hall after a whole day, it made her wander and keenly look at everything that had been done since she last saw it.

"You all are here with the ice cream. And Miss Y/n, how does it feel to leave the work to us only?" Aoba said, crossing his arms over his chest, holding onto the ribbon that was left.

"Sorry, the Hokage made me run an errand so couldn't come here and join," She politely answered, while her eyes looked for the man.

He sat on the stage like place and was busy with making something. "Oh the ice cream is here," Asuma said, taking the poly bag from Y/n's hand. Before he could take out any, she quickly took out the lemon blast one and kept it to herself.

"You like it that much?" It wasn't for herself. Asuma went to everyone present and handed them their ones. Anko followed Asuma as he went up to Kakashi. Y/n couldn't help it but sigh.

"Everyone! Please Gather around here for a sec!" Genma spoke out from the stage, while taking one of the ice cream from the bag. Kurenai held
Y/n's arm and walked together near the stage.

Kakashi got up and looked around for a second. His eyes found her in the small crowd, making his way to her. She smiled, handing him his favorite. His eyebrows went up for a second, as he thanked her. He traded his one for the one he got and opened the wrapper before taking a bite.

"We are done and 14 hours away from the banquet. The village Lords and some important people will be joining the banquet of the Third's birthday so let's not make anything go wrong. Security will be the ANBUs, so we don't have to worry. And next comes the talk about the food," He flips the page, going on with the things are had been ticked and what else is remaining.

Kakashi turned to the girl beside while she listened carefully to the informations, nudging,"You like the chocolate one more now?" She turned to him confused,"Huh?" He paused for a second.

"You don't like this?" He eyed the one in his hand, she smiled. "I do but you worked hard and you deserved it better than I, so letting you take it,"

He thought for some time, before turning to the front with a hum. "The tea, who's going to take care of that section?"

Gai put his hand up, turning back all the way to Kakashi,"Me and my rival will go!"

Kakashi sighed, giving in the proposal and it was decided for the two to go. Genma dismissed the crowd, making everyone go and do their remaining little works.

"Here, and here," Kakashi placed a flower Garland on top of Y/n's head that he made with the flowers he had and the lemon blast that he couldn't finish in her hand,"See you in a while." He said, leaving with the excited male beside.

"See you in a while!" Gai repeated Kakashi's word, falling onto a laughter. He waved her goodbye as she returned the gesture.

She watched the two male disappear before making her way to help with the preparation.

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