43 - Sasuke.

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I entered the house with tomorrow's dress in hand, as I felt extremely fatigued for some reason. I kept the bag on the couch, going straight to my bedroom.

I lied down, feeling the warmth fall over my body. The sudden fever didn't make any sense when I was doing just fine a while ago. I get sick very often nowadays. Especially the mornings. I hate the smell of some certain foods, which happens everytime I have a high fever. But the strange thing is that, today is the only time my body is heated up like this. Today was the first fever after a very long time.

The telephone unexpectedly rang, making me flinch, Who could it be this late at night? I didn't wanna get up. I turned around, hugging the side pillow.

It kept on ringing, making me feel bad for whoever is calling me right now. My body slowly pulled itself up, heading to the phone to pick it up.

I turned all the lights on as I picked it up, sighing and leaning against the wall as I feel my body slowly give up.

"y/n-san? are you sleeping-" I lost my balance, my knees grew weak. My head couldn't take it anymore as my body collided with the floor. I winched in pain, feeling my body shut down slowly. Completely.



"hello?" I called out as the other line got cut after a loud thud. I dialled once again, scratching my leg with my toes as I stood in the cold living room.

I turned around to face the mess I made with all the stationary and crafts. Frowning, I kept the phone back in it's place when the line didn't connect.

The paper rose bouquet turned out to be pretty, I smiled. Y/n-san was a special someone for me who was always there. Today was a special day, I heard from Sakura.

She talked about roses being given to someone you admire alot is a way to show love and gratitude. So I thought about giving it to y/n-san. My endless gratefulness needed something almost permanent so I made them out of papers.

It was 12 Am. I wanted to give it to her when the day started, not giving a second thought about whether she will be asleep or not.

An idea lit up, making me quickly search for a piece of paper. I got the perfect size one in the heap of cut outs and started writing a little note.

After millions of scribbles and pen through, I stopped the pen. I read it once and it was perfect in my opinion.

-Thank you. I am grateful to you. Happy Valentines day, y/n neesan.

I smiled at it, putting it in between the paper made roses. Turning the lights off, I headed to go and leave it by her doorway. It was going to be a long walk, but I wanted to make it special so I decided to head to her home.

I never liked walking on the streets when it gets quiet and dark. Some shops stayed opened, making me feel somewhat better I guess.

"Thank you so much," A tall figure came out of the grocery shop, with a clear bag which had chocolates in it. He stopped when he saw me and I hid the flower bouquet when I recognized the white headed cyclops.


"o-oh yeah, Sensei.." We both seemed to have caught each other. From what? I don't know.

"what are you doing out this late at night?" He asked, walking close to me.

"Something." I answered, not wanting him to see the bouquet and inquiry. I cleared my throat,"I will be on my way then." I added, walking away from him.

"wait-" No I wasn't going to.

After walking far away from Kakashi sensei, I sighed of relief. Some minutes went by and I found myself infront of y/n-san's apartment. The lights were still on so I decided to knock.


I knocked once more, this time harder. I flinched when the door creaked opened. It was not locked properly.

"y/n-san?" I said. No response. "I am coming in," I opened the door wide open, entering to witness y/n-san on the floor. I threw the bouquet from my hand, rushing to get to y/n-san's unconscious body.

"Y/N-SAN!" I said, trying to refrain myself from panicking. I turned her around, she was undoubtedly unconscious. The telephone got disconnected from the line. I plug the line in, hopping to remember someone's number who could come to help her.

My entire body shook uncontrollably, as flashbacks made me go lunatic. I frantically fell down on the floor, crying my eyes out as I watched her body not moving.

"y/n-san.." I whispered between my messed up state, crawling up to her. I shook her, as I come to a discover: she's burning with fever.

I got up, stumbling on my feet as I looked for something that could help her with the fever. I rushed to her bedroom next, going through her closest to find a piece of cloth. A pink handkerchief rested on the wardrobe top, I quickly got it and ran to get it wet.

I rushed to her, getting her close to me. I wiped her face with the cold cloth, while tears streamed down my cheeks. "Please...I hate this.." My voice escaped almost in a squeak, as I harshly wipe the tears away.

"y/n-san..Wake up," "Ah," I heard a voice. I looked up to see her troubled face, squinting her eyes as she tried to open her eyes in this bright lighting.

"Who.."She looked up, raising an eyebrow.

"Sasuke- Sasuke..?" She quickly got up, slightly groaning as she held onto her head.

"What's wrong?" She asked while I watched her. Sniffles.

She pulled me closer to her, hugging me tight, I didn't move. "I am okay..Just high fever made me faint," She said, stroking my back as I stayed in her arms relieved.

At least someone on my side is alive..

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