34 - Anko's Confession

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I turned back at the gate, I should at least let them know I won't be attending tonight. Then again, I felt like leaving out everything and go missing for the night.

Took a trench coat to help cope up with tonight's cold. It seemed like it'll rain tonight. The night got calmer with faraway thunders rumbling. The sky tried to hide the moon, but it found its way to peak. The stars disappeared, the wind slowly came in to play with the leaves.

The thought of going out of the village at this late of the night was definitely not a wise choice. I stopped and thought for some time,"I think I should just go back-"

"oi y/n!" A female yelled out. I turned to the voice, some people walked towards my direction. I squinted my eyes to get a better focus on them, it was them.

Anko, Kurenai, Asuma, Iruka and Kakashi. I slide my hands into the pocket and waited for them to reach me.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked as they reached a good distance to hear my words.

"First tell me, what are YOU doing here? You were supposed to meet us at the club after- what is this tacky coat you're wearing," Anko said, holding onto the sleeves with a pinch and judging me up and down.

"... wandering around..Where are you all heading to?" I asked once more.

"The club got shut down for the complaints from the neighbors. Now we are headed to Tanigakure," Asuma said, walking ahead of us with Kurenai as we followed them.

"The others?"

"Wasted," Anko answered shortly.

"I am surprised you're going too," I said to Iruka as he turned to me with a sheepish smile. "I have got some things to collect from there for the academy, I had to visit anyways so why not with y'all," He said with his usual calm voice. I nodded my head as a reply.

We had a long way to make, it was 45 minutes walk from here. Why are we even making this journey, it's not even worth it. Yet, I didn't say anything and tagged along. I was wanting to leave the village for a walk anyways, let it be a 45 minutes walk.

Time passed by and we were walking for a good 20 minutes. Anko suddenly got a hold of me and stopped me. She looked at the others, waiting for them to walk away. Iruka turned to see what made us stop but Anko asked him to go on without us.

"I have got something to say,"

I tilted my head,"What is it?"

"Kurenai knows already and I feel like..you should too and don't worry, I just found out today. Awhile ago," She said, shyly smiling. I followed her eyes and smiled.

"you're in love?" Her head jumped up with a shock expression, I grinned.

"oh come on, I wanted to surprise you," She said, crossing her arms over her chest. I pulled her and started to walk as I drag her with me.

"Now who's the guy?" I said, taking a look at her with the same smile.

She paused and said nothing for quite some moments. I turned back to the front and looked at everyone ahead of us. Kurenai and Asuma hand in hand, Iruka beside Kakashi.

I shifted my eyes at Kakashi and for some reason my gaze never left Kakashi's back. I stared at his let down hair and tall figure. He didn't wear his headband tonight, making him stand out. I smiled at the thought of him, he slowly turned to look back at us.

".. it's Kakashi," My smile dropped as he stared back at us and entirely turn his body to wait for us to catch up. My pace slowed down, I faced Anko.

Her eyes were set at the front, fixated only on him with the flushed cheeks and coy smile. I stopped and let go of her hand as she walked towards him. She got closer and closer to him, the moments seemed to get slower.

I couldn't blink but remain daze at the scene infront. Anko tucked her hair behind her ear and stopped infront of Kakashi. Iruka turned to look at me and was about to wave. Kakashi walked past Anko and almost came in a jog towards me.

"It's going to rain soon, you little turtle," He took my hand and pulled me behind him. He was right, the thunder echoed loudly around us before a gust of wind blew past us.

Kakashi and I didn't stop our fast pace walk, almost in a slow run we left Kurenai and Asuma behind. "We won't make it, let's just reach a shelter first," Kakashi suggested

I couldn't comprehend what had happened. I wanted to look back but if I did, I would regret. And for now, I didn't wanted to regret this moment. 

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now