39 - His new home

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"I will leave then," I said, tugging Asuma and Kurenai lightly.

"Why? The Third is going to call for a dinner for everyone here, you should stay." Asuma said, Kurenai rubbed my arm. I sheepishly smiled and turned it down once again,"I really need to leave, sorry." I politely said, they gave in. I quietly made my way out as the others seemed occupied.

I looked at my outfit and it seemed decent. I smiled, almost going through the hallway in a run. The outside was just ready to get dark, I looked at the letter and the address was right outside the village.

"Y/n-san!" I jumped at the sudden call. The voice belonged to Naruto, I guessed. And it was him.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked, with a gift in his hand. "what's this?" I said, tapping on it.

"Kakashi sensei asked me to get a gift for a male, saying he would pay me later and to deliver it to the hall." He replied.

"Go on inside, he's in there. I am going out to meet an old friend of mine, I will come by your place later for dinner." He tilted his head a little, before nodding and getting inside the building.

I checked my watch and smiled, I will be on time.

The bell shop chimed with little dings and the flower shop spread it's aroma. I jogged through the market place, greeting back to some people who recognized me. Another flower shop came in view, having some pink flowers in display, making me ultimately stop.

Pink camelias. I went closer and caught the attention of the shopkeeper,"Would you like some of these flowers?" I caressed the petals gently, nodding with a soft smile.


"It should be here.." I said to myself, convincing that I definitely didn't get lost in this strange place.

"Give your identity, hmm!" I flinched at the cold touch of what felt like a sharp knife. I rolled my eyes and jumped away from the danger.

A male with yellow hair with a low creature beside him stood there, looking straight at me. "Ew," I said, looking at the thing on the ground.

"Huh?" The little thing spoke with a grumpy and harsh voice. "Who are you?" The not so tall male inquired.

"I was just searching for someone's house, I mean no harm—"

"Oh you're here, y/n." I felt a relief come across me. I hid the flower that he can probably see with his activated Sharingan.

"Itachi, you know this yellow lady?" The ugly voice spoke out, as the two come to us.

"Yeah, she's my mate. From Konoha," They stop on their steps upon hearing the village name. "She's safe," He added.

"why do I need to be safe...?what?" I asked, taking a look at them. The other two males seemed confused just as I was.

"You have read the diary, didn't you? They're the Akatsuki members, Sasori. Deidara." He introduced in short, gesturing me to walk with him.

He did write about Akatsuki. It seemed confidential, so I skipped the part. But who cares, as long as I can save myself.

He led us to a decent looking house,"make yourself at home, y/n." I walked inside the lit up and well decorated house. I took off my shoes and headed to the room he led me to, the living room.

"Itachi, don't forget tomorrow's meeting. And here, Pain-sama sent you these for your new house." My eyes wandered around the layout, as my gaze fell upon the males. Deidara handed Itachi an wooden box, which he took and thanked whoever sent it to him.

The little thing from earlier was clear infront of me, he was indeed very scary. "We will leave then," The yellow head said, turning to me. "Goodbye to you too," I smiled and returned the greeting.

"...I need to use the bathroom real quick, where is it?" The grumpy voice said to Itachi, as he went ahead to show him the room. I awkwardly stand in the living room with the other guy, he inspected me up and down.

I was irritated by his stare and glared at him,"what?"

"don't worry, I don't like you as a woman," He remarked. I looked at him in disbelief,"man as if, I was thinking about it in the first place, the hell is wrong with you?" He shifted his position and stood with an annoying sass, making my face twitch.

I contained myself and averted my eyes to something more useful than him. Itachi entered at that moment, saving both of us from any further bickering.

A red hair entered along with him. The red hair smiled, making me just look at him. He was a pretty man, seemed young too.

"It was nice meeting you, um, what's your name..?" He asked, as I watched the other two just stare at him.

"Y/n." I said with a genuine smile, he seemed like a gentle man. My smile soon dropped when I realized, who even is this man and where did he come from out of nowhere?

"It's Sasori," He helped me recall him being the ugly little creature from earlier.

"It's always the pretty ones who tend to be wearing some sorta mask or something I guess," I said, to which Sasori only laughed while the others seem to question my remark.

"Well, I guess—"

"You two are going to be late, thank you for coming and make sure to send Pain-sama my greetings," Itachi said, coming in between me and that  Sasori guy.

I peeked above Itachi's shoulder and waved my goodbye at the red one. He smiled back, returning the gesture. Soon they left the house, more like Itachi kicked them out.

He shut the door, sighing. I stood beside the stairway,"How does the upstairs look like?" I asked, looking up through the gaps of the staircase.

"Go and look around, make yourself at home," He sighed one last time, heading to what I am guessing was the kitchen. I didn't follow him, instead decided to head upstairs.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now