54 - Seito (Uchiha)

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"wh-what..?" Naruto's hand dropped, Sasuke seemed to have heard something terrifying.

"WHAT!" Sakura's face lit up. She came running, hesitant about touching my stomach. I got a hold onto her hand and placed it on the bump, softly smiling at her flushed cheeks and widened eyes.

"Congratulations Sensei!" She said, as Kakashi eye smiled at her while standing right beside me just like a proud father.

"Have you decided on a name?" Sakura said while caressing my belly.

"Oh no, we haven't." I said, as I turn to face Kakashi. My mind asked me to look over at the front, and we both did at the same time. The boy stood there oblivious, still taking in what we had announced. Right, Sasuke..

"Sasuke, why don't you name the baby?" Kakashi said, as if he had read my mind. I smiled at the boy as his eyes found mine already looking back at him.

He looked away, clearing his throat. "Why me.." He asked, being shy which was clear in his tone.

"What is this y/n-san?" Naruto said, coming towards me. "aren't you being too harsh on me?" He frowned. I gave him an upturned smile, going ahead to get a hold onto his hand before getting down to his level.

"Why? I will still love you more—"

"I know you will but!" He turned around to glare at the boy who was too busy with himself.

"Why give him the chance to name my family?"

"You want to name him too?" He nodded instantly.

I looked up at Kakashi, he shrugged. I turned back to Naruto, saying,"okay then, what do you suggest?"

"uh right..umm," I smiled, getting up as I ruffled his hair.

"I will reject if it's some kind of food Naruto," Kakashi gave out a notice to him. I looked over to the raven haired boy, who seemed to have gotten a name. His eyes turned to me, I felt the smile within him that was clear in the gaze.

"and the name is..?" I asked, as he waited for some seconds.

"Seito.." He said, with hope in his eyes that it would get accepted. Little did he know, any name that he would give out will instantly be the one that I was going to keep.

"Seito.." Kakashi repeated, I faced him as we both smiled at each other.

"Seito (Uchiha..) Namikaze it is!" Kakashi turned to Naruto," and the nick name?"

"um- Ichito!"

"uh- Ichito!" Kakashi said.

"..but why not Seito Hatake?" Sakura asked, glancing at both of us.

"I like Namikaze better,"Naruto commented.

"—And yeah! that's why," Kakashi said, taking the chance to make an excuse.

I felt relieved after we got done with letting the kids know. Though the naming cut us some slack, the way Sasuke and Naruto both initially reacted had me worried for a split second. But it seem like the news didn't remain shocking to them anymore. The naming somewhat eased them up.

Their break was over. They needed to get back to training so I just decided to rest where we had been sitting for the entire while.

I watched them from faraway, enjoying the peaceful moment. My hand caressed the moderate sized bump as I took my eyes back to the book that Kurenai bought  me. A guide to motherhood.

"even at the amidst of everything, never forget to reward your struggles too as you're too born as a mother just like the baby was born as a life." I smiled ear to ear, feeling a sense of refreshment at the positivity. It said, having a positive mindset during these times was the key to having a sound and healthy baby.

I didn't believe the bluff but I wasn't going to take chances.

I flipped the page, a new chapter began.

'The father's presence matters..'

My heart clenched against my chest, making me shut the book for some seconds as my finger remained as the bookmark. My heart ached at the thought of him, "I don't care about you.. you're no one to us.." I said, closing my eyes while my head leaned against the tree,"no one.." My voice quiet down.

I felt a sudden emptiness, somewhere in my heart, something was missing. There's a neverending void, that will forever remain the same no matter how much I pour.

I turned over at Kakashi. He was busy with the kids as they combat 3v1. I admired him from far, right.. he's the father..

I shook the thoughts away and reopened the book. The more i read, the more I found myself falling deeper into a lonely hole. It seemed hopeless. It was just me and the book with the presence of the father being absent.

"you look good with that belly.." The sudden familiar voice made my surroundings to shut down immediately. Without even realising, my head shot towards him.

".. you're so cruel," He said, sitting right near me while his body faced away from the four, concealing his presence with the tree that I was under the shelter of.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now