48 - Rain and the results.

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a week later

The last document got back in its position at the shelf. It was time for me to clock out. The night time came over 2 hours ago and it was almost time for dinner.

"Chunin exam week's gonna be the end of me," Anko complained, stretching out from her chair while the files remained scattered on her side of the table.

"Not for me." I said, going to get my coat before stepping out the common room. I looked outside the window and the sky instantly lit up, followed by the rumbling of the incoming rain.

"Don't get caught up in the rain," I said, taking a glance at her before shifting it to the wall clock. Naruto's done with his today's day.

"Well.." Anko started as I walked upto the door, waiting for her to complete so I could exit. "I won't be alone in some minutes so yeah!" I stood with my arms crossed over my chest as I leaned my back on the doorframe.

"Why is that?" i smiled.

"I asked him out!" She said, followed by some squeals. I tilted my head," who..oh right," I stopped when i realized how she wanted to confess for a week now. And Kakashi already accepted it? that was fast..

"Congratulations and best of luck for the date," I said with a pursed lips smile, walking out of the room as she replied with a 'thank you'. I rushed out the hallway and got on the streets, i needed to reach home.

The vendors outside already took a notice of the rain that was emerging and took measures to shelter themselves and their products. I made a short visit to the convenience store to get some sesame oil and flour for some pancakes that Naruto and Sasuke wanted to have.

As soon as i got out of the store, the drizzling started. I ran my way to my apartment complex which was 2 minutes away, not wanting to get caught up in the rain. The two would be home by now, getting freshed and ready to help me cook.

It has became a daily routine for the three of us and it started out suddenly; who would have expected Sasuke to join in just like that? I didn't.

I can guess how much i worried them with my silence after that huge event that flipped me entirely. I regret having them worry over me, not to mention how the three of them tried to make me everything they could to lift up my mood. I should start having Sakura over for dinner too.

My last thought left as i stood infront of my front door. I knocked on it, before using my key to get inside. "Took you exactly 9 minutes extra to reach," Naruto said, slightly in disappointment.

"Forgive me Naruto-kun," i said as i walked inside the kitchen. I noticed the absence of Sasuke,"Where's Sasuke?"

"He stepped out to the hospital to get some restocks for your first aid kit," He answered, taking the bag from my hand and getting the things out.

"How did you see? Were you two inspecting?" Naruto narrowed his eyes before scoffing.

"You should be thanking us for cleaning your dirt filled apartment. What happened to the clean goddess that you always bragged about whenever visiting my lovely apartment?" I lightly flicked his forehead as a smile formed.

"Let's start the prep," I said, getting the bowl out of the pantry. Naruto sat on the chair beside the counter and waited for me to hand over the cutting parts to him.

I picked out the vegetables that I will be needing for tonight's meal and handed over to him. I started to make the batter of the fries on the other side.

Moments passed by, the rain started heavy. I looked over at Naruto and he was halfway through his work. "Did Sasuke take an umbrella with him?" I asked, while i washed the rice.

"Oh shit! He didn't!" I stopped and looked over at him. "Now what?"

"Go and get him?" I said, drying my hands on the apron and walking out the kitchen to get the umbrella from my room. "How did he forget to take it.." I stopped mid sentence as the file from a week ago got in my hand.

I totally forgot..

Naruto waited by the door for me to get the umbrella so he could go out and pick Sasuke. I walked upto the front door and said,"I forgot to get my results back. I will go instead. I taught you how to set the rice cooker right? Finish up cutting the rest and put the rice into the rice cooker. And make sure you put the chicken after some time, it's almost done by now. You can turn the stove off now," I instructed him which surely made him want to go instead of me.

"So much work why?" He frowned, making me caress his head.

"I will get some ice creams on my way back. Be right back!" I said, leaving the now happy Naruto in the house.

The outside was windy and cold and some of the shops in the street started to close. The hospital was not far but yet somewhat far so I hastened my steps. The coat was helping me a bunch so the weather didn't bother me. I was enjoying the walk.

My heart sank at the sudden flood of thoughts, all surrounding Itachi. Did he not care..for me? How could he just like that leave and never come to even tell me what had happened that everyone died and he too disappeared.

Was i that less important of a person to him? What am i going to do if i find out i am..no, I am hundred percent certain, i am not pregnant. I am not.

I locked my thoughts and walked almost emotionlessly. The pattering continued on top of my umbrella throughout the walk.

I walked inside the Konoha hospital and looked for Sasuke. He saw me first and quickly approached,"Y/n-san, you're here." He said, making me smile.

"Can you wait for some more minutes? I need to get some stuffs back from my fellow doctor," He said yes and took the umbrella from my hand, walking straight to the waiting area.

I walked upto the counter and asked about Tadashi. Luckily he was here. I headed to his ward, on my way meeting, Obviously Kakashi. Everytime i am at the hospital, he gotta be there.

"You? At this hour?" I asked, remembering the date night.

"for the shots. Today was the last dose," I looked at him holding a cotton over the injected area i am guessing.

"What shots were you getting?" I asked, taking the cotton for him and checking the area. It dried out.

"You know how harsh my dogs can get—" I cut him off.

"Your obsession with wild dogs, yes."

"Yeah..But why are you here and.." He looked behind," Sasuke's here too?"

"i am here for my results and Sasuke was here for an errand. Anyways, you're going to be late for your date if you wait any longer," I said, waiting for him to turn his face to me.

"Hmm?" He said, while our eyes stayed in place for some seconds.

"Nothing." I answered back, getting back on my way as i waved him a bye.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now