03 - this is happiness

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"What's up with these flowers in your hair y/n," He said touching them. He felt a shoulder brush against his back, making him move closer and letting the passerby get more space to walk.

"Don't ask, it was long day there. But you know what? It was fun, let's visit the place once together to kill some time?" I faced him, flinching at the sudden closeness. He noticed, moving away. "N-no,"

"H-huh?" We both stuttered.


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put Naruto on my bed, caressing him to sleep deeply and comfortably. "Can you get the blanket from inside there," I said, pointing at the wardrobe. Kakashi walked upto it as I watched him bring it.

"So Ms. Namikaze, how does it feel to be a mother at 21 years old?" Kakashi asked, handing the blanket to me. I rolled my eyes, before smiling at him,"how does it feel like to be an uncle, Hatake-san?" "Uncle.......?awful," He walked away from the bedroom, I couldn't help but frown.

"How come you don't like to be an uncle to your sensei's one and only asset?" I turned the light off of the bedroom and followed him.

"What are you to him?" He turned his head before turning his entire body to me, walking backwards now.

"I am-" what am I?


"-his aunt," Kakashi's back hit the door, he smiled, his eyes said it.

"Then yes, thank you for the relation. I am the uncle. One and only uncle of Naruto. Good night," he said, getting the door and heading out without even looking back.

"Huh? Just a while ago you said you hated it-"

"I never said I hated it," Kakashi said, reopening the door. "Why are you still standing-" "goodnight." He shut the door on my face, making me stand there dumbfounded.



I stared at Naruto as he scribbled whatever he wanted to on the paper with crayons. I was occupied with making dinner for us. "Neechan?" I hummed, taking a glance at him as I cut the cucumbers.

"Who's a Dad?" My pace slowed down, He doesn't know who's a Dad? A rush of sadness crept over me as I looked for answers to give him. "Hmm Dad?" I looked up at him, smiling. "Someone who comes home really late and goes to work really early."

"How late and how early?" He asked getting on top of the table, coming to my level. "That late and early that you hardly get to see them," I said, he pouted."Dads are cruel, I thought they play with their kids and take them home after they are done playing,"

"That's why you should always be with Neechan. Neechan will be always there for you~" I cooed, taking a cucumber piece to feed him.

He took it, smiling with his teeth widely. I set the cooker and went to play with Naruto. "Oh my who's this Naruto," I said, examining the drawing.

"That's me and you Nee-chan!" I smiled ear to ear, turning to him.

"It's beautiful baby! You know what else you should add?" He shrugged. I took one the crayon and drew another stick figure, similar to the art style of him.


"Who's this?"

"Ni-chan Kakashi!"

"Kashi?..is he good like you?"

"He can be rude and annoying but yes! He is good like me!"

"But..." He said, taking a small look at me. "Hmm?"

"Will he like me?" I paused to look at him after what he asked, Why does he even has this question?

"Why wouldn't he?" I asked, pulling him into a hug.

"Because I am a monster and unlikable.. that's what they said-"

"NO!..no baby, no way you're that. Do you know how many people like me likes you? There's many who loves you Naruto. Me, Kakashi, Iruka, Anko, Asuma, Gai, Kurenai and the Hokage many more!" I said, realizing he met none of them and knows absolutely nothing about them.

"Hmm, wait until you meet them," I said, resting my head on top of his.

He smiled with a coy face, fidgeting with his hand. "Is there anything more you want to say, Na ru to!" I said, booping his nose as I took his name.

"Nee-chan, can I hug you-"

"Don't ask, just do it whenever you want to," I caressed his back, he rested his head on the crook of my neck.

"I am feeling a fuzzy in my heart..what is this?" Naruto asked.

I softly smiled, replying,"that's how you feel when you're happy, Naruto,"

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