05 - tingles within the heart

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"Nee-chan, can I hug you-"

"Don't ask, just do it whenever you want to," I caressed his back, he rested his head on the crook of my neck.

"I am feeling a fuzzy in my heart..what is this?" Naruto asked.

I softly smiled, replying,"that's how you feel when you're happy, Naruto,"

-parenting and lovelife of Ms. Namikaze-

~•━━━ 🧸🍭🦋 ━━━•~

"Where are we going?" Naruto asked, holding onto my neck, staring at the people around us with his adorable blue eyes

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"Where are we going?" Naruto asked, holding onto my neck, staring at the people around us with his adorable blue eyes. "To the Hokage, he wanted to meet you," He shot his head around and said, "The Hokage?! You mean the most amazing ninja?! Wants to see me!?"

"He said he wanted to eat baby Naruto~ because you're too cute~," I said, with a playful tone. "Nee-chan!!" he said, pouting. I tickled him a little, in attempt to make him giggle.

"Y/n?" I looked up to the man's call, it was Iruka. I smiled at him as he walked towards us. "Where off to?" He asked, taking a glance at Naruto. "Oh! I forgot, is he Naruto?" He asked, trying to get a better look at him.

"Yeah, he is," I said in a low tone, realizing how the spirit inside of him was the cause of Iruka's parent's death. He eye smiled at the baby, "Hello, Baby Naruto," Naruto came out of the shelter of my neck, took his finger up to his face, tracing the scar, giggling to himself.

"Naruto, that's rude-"

"let him, it's alright,"

"Nee-chan, who's he...?"

"This is Iruka Nee-chan!" Naruto awed at him which red cheeks, flashing a smile. "One of the ni-chan who's good like you and likes me?!" I nodded, as Iruka stood there sheepishly smiling at the happy toddler. I explained what he was talking about to which Iruka agreed and talked about how much he adored him.

"We are off to the Hokage, and what about you?" I asked, waiting for him to walk along with us. He took notice of it and tagged along, "Was doing groceries but now walking to the Hokage with you,"

"It's Iruka ni-chan, and don't play with his scar again," I said sternly yet softly. Naruto frowned, apologizing. "Oh come on y/n," Iruka took Naruto from my arms to his, "Play with it all you want," he said, looking at the big-eyed Naruto.

They got along way better than I did, is he that good with kids? I smiled at them, playing together, conversing about God knows what. "And now what's this?" Naruto pointed at his Ninja headband, Iruka followed his tiny hand.

"Oh, this? It's my ninja headband. It proves I graduated from the Ninja Academy and am a Shinobi," He explained. "Nee-chan! Do you have this?"

"Yes! In red!" He frowned. "I don't like red, blue is a better!" He said, facing Iruka. "Naruto Uzumaki!" I said, ready to tackle him with tickles. He giggled as Iruka saved him.

We gained some looks, everyone seemed to be being all smiley. I stopped and smiled, staring at the two goofing with each other. I ran up to them after realizing they were waiting for me to catch up.

"Nee-chan you're slow!" "Sorry sorry-" my words cut off, as my eyes caught a sight. Kakashi scratched his neck, smiling at a lady in front of him. She was laughing with him. What? And I thought he barely talks to anyone. Here he's laughing with a lady.

"Hey isn't the-" I cut Iruka off, "let's just not. Let him talk, we going to be late!" I said, smiling at Naruto. "Come to sister now, Iruka Uncle's hand will break off,"

Naruto huffed, "I am not that heavy Nee-chan. Let's do this instead!" He said, pulling me towards him. Naruto held onto my hand and with the other Iruka's. "This way I am with both of you!" He said, widely smiling.

I looked up to Iruka, he did too. He shrugged and nervously smiled, gaining back one from me. We walked past Kakashi, he didn't even notice. Too busy to even notice-

I felt a pull on my wrist"You didn't greet me," I flinched at his sudden touch,"y/n,"

Naruto moved away his hand from my shoulder, freeing me. Do something y/n? Why are you even just standing? Don't act like you were jealous or some shit and ignored him? Why would you be jealous the heck? A tug made me turn to face him,"don't just walk past me when you know me,"

"Today you're wide awake and not sleeping on y/n!" I watched as Kakashi went to Naruto, eye smiling. "Are..you kashi? You have that weird white hair..the annoying and rude Kashi Nee-chan talked about! Yes!"

My mouth gapped, are they.. bickering?

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