47 - Either way, the massacre happened.

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Third Person

She ran through the hallway with two behind her. The door to the Hokage's room stayed wide open, making it easy for her to access without breaking anything.

Eyes open, feet stuck at the door. She watched the lifeless body of the person she once ran to for any trouble that struck her life. The drenched lifeless body of the one she forever looked up to.

The two behind her followed her gestures, one gasped out of horror. She turned to Kakashi, who had encountered the scene now along with her. For him, seeing him dead now shocked him even more. All these years, Shishui was dead for them but seeing him infront of his eyes made him wonder what else have been kept as a secret.

"Y/n, Kakashi, Gai. Follow him to the rest of the bodies," Hiruzen's voice sounded rarely like this, today was one of the days where another darkness will be hoovering over them once again.

"Sasuke.." The only word she got out. Her first priority seemed to be Sasuke now. Not even the love of her life, not even the clan, but Sasuke.

She stumbled as her feet retreated to the back. This was not supposed to happen, the script has been changed, she hated this plot twist. "Y/n!" The third said out loud, making the ones present to get even more confused with how strange they were behaving.

"l-lead the w-way," Y/n said, not wanting her emotions take over her responsibility.

"What is happening..." Gai spoke out, still not over the shaken state of his but following the ANBU as he lead the way.

Kakashi remained quiet and observed the occurance keenly. Even he was shaken to the core upon seeing the events. Ever since the banquet started, The third rushing out of the hall with one of the ANBUs who entered the stage, nothing made sense.

But he was sure about one thing, Y/n knows at least some of the strange events. But right now asking her would put her health at risk since she was still struggling with her unknown sickness.

They got inside the forest outside the village, soon reaching a destination that seems isolated. Other ANBUs stood out the abandoned warehouse, greeting the ones who arrived just now.

"37 bodies, no one survived and.." The ANBU stopped, taking a glance at the three of them. Kakashi's eyes found y/n, looking straight inside the warehouse making him follow inside too. His eyes widened at the line of nothing but blood bathed bodies.

"We cannot yet find 1 body, and i would guess the body is Itachi Uchiha's," Y/n's heart clenched, making her shut her eyes. Everything was going perfect but this..This very moment made her want to never get a single hope high.

"Was there a..." Her mouth couldn't come close to mentioning the tragedy, she wouldn't believe them even if the answer was yes. She continued," a teen's body found?"

She held herself back. Maybe this was way more devastating than the last time. This time, she truly wanted a miracle to happen and let the Uchiha live happily. Especially those two.

"Yes," Her world collapsed. Her legs gave up on the heavy weight that got added to her heart. She sat down on the rocky pavement, making all of them to react.

"Y/n," Gai said, coming beside her as Kakashi watched her in pure dumbstruck. His fist clenched, as his body worked on their own. He went inside and inspected the bodies as their lifeless mass remained on the cold and hard concrete floor.

He went on and on, not hoping to see his student here. He swore to his life that if he was lying here, he would give whoever is behind this to live a nightmare before they leave this earth. He increased his pace as he walked over the heads.

A cloak of relief covered his body, as his body's stiffness let go of him. He ran out of the abandoned mess and met the state he saw before entering.

"Uchiha Sasuke isn't a part of this mass murder. Y/n, he's safe," Her body sighed. He looked around them, not knowing what were they sent here for.

The silence was too loud for anyone to utter a word. Gai sat beside Y/n while she hugged her legs, in a way to comfort her. Kakashi on the other hand waited for someone or something to happen so that they know their move.

"Kakashi-san, we need to get the bodies to the Great yard of Konoha without the villagers notice. Some ANBUs are already there, waiting for the movement. We should get started," One of them spoke out, looking out at Y/n as she slowly get up at the words.

"Let's get done with it,"

"Y/n, don't—"

"Kakashi," She turned to him, smiling. "Let's not mendle personal feelings in here," He watched the smile with the little light near them.

He knew what that smile meant, since he was seeing it once again after Minato passed away. She's losing it all inside.

"Alright."He shortly said, wanting to finish it all so that the suffering of her for seeing them here goes by quickly. That's the only thing he could do for her. And he hated it.


The last body got buried under the silence of the dirt, Kakashi looked over the unmoving girl whose eyes remained fixed at the gravestone infront of her.

Uchiha Mikoto

The one she was taking care of for the past few months added another never ending ache in her heart. The smile, the touch, the warmth of a mother, she felt it in her touch and she too left her all alone.

Was her fate ill-fated or the world a cruel place for people like them she wondered. The male watched her, trying to understand what she was thinking about as she stood there.

"Kakashi-san, have you ever felt happiness? Even for once?"


"You know what kills the most? Seeing the key to the door of happiness after a long never-ending darkness getting lost amidst the darkness that you tried escaping from,"

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