56 - Jiraiya

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"I am counting on you two," Kakashi said, still unsure about leaving me behind. I caressed the back of his hand with my thumb, assuring him I would be okay with a smile at the end.

"I will take care of Ichi! Don't worry!" Kakashi sighed at Naruto's statement.

"That worries me.." Kakashi mumbled, coming forward to hug me for the very last time before his departure as the other waits for him to be done.

"Return home safe.. please," I requested, readjusting myself in his hold.

"I'll, just don't give birth yet until i am there with you.." We both part as he left such a remark, making me chuckle.

"Due date's nearing so try to be done with everything— okay no, now you're going to be very late," I turned him around while pushing him out the gate.

Gai got a grasp around his neck,"Finally! See you after some days beautiful y/n! Will take care of your baby daddy just fine!" I sheepishly smiled, turning to the other gaze that didn't move away from me. His eyes shut for some seconds, before turning into crescents.

I waved them goodbye until they were no longer in our view. "Y/n-san, how are you feeling?" Naruto asked. I heaved out a long sigh, with the sudden emptiness that lingered around.

"Are you okay..?" Naruto tucked onto the shawl that kept me warm.

"I am," I answered, wiping the concern away from his tone as my head turned to him with a soft smile.

"Let's get back home—"

"Y/n!?" The voice sounded awfully familiar. Two arms wrapped around my neck. The huge chakra that came in from behind somewhat gave in the identity of the person. "What in the world— do you have a tumor in your stomach?" Jiraiya-sama said, turning me around.

The two kids looked genuinely confused by his presence. ".. Who's..? he?" Sasuke asked, stepping closer towards my side.

"Oh! it's that pervert who was seeking into the woman's bath!" Naruto spoke out, as Jiraiya-sama turned to take a look at him.

"We met again as if it was written in our destiny," He said, winking at Naruto who vividly shivered at the gesture. I faced Sasuke who had disgust plastered on his face. I couldn't help but pull him and Naruto closer while laughing.

"It's Jiraiya-sama. One of the three great sanins and the third's student. Greet him properly," I said, not forgetting to have them respect Jiraiya-sama.

He laughed out loud as the two bowed while greeting him. "But this tumour is truly concerning Y/n," He stopped and turned his gaze at the bump then back at my eyes.

"Oh no for god sake. That's Seito, not a tumor," Sasuke unexpectedly spoke out, little annoyance clear.

"Ichito is growing!" Naruto spoke out cheerfully.

I nervously watched Jiraiya-sama's oblivious state as he batted his eyelashes.



"I didn't know you were careless," I couldn't pick my head up and look into his eyes, he was like a father figure to me. It's embarrassing to break out the news to him like this.

"It.. happened," I fumbled with my thoughts, biting the corner of my right lip. The tea cup clinked as he put it on the table before us. We sat down conversing in the living area while the kids went out to bring takeout of their likings where I am pretty sure a fight's going to break out between them.

"And the father? is he in the picture? I would like to meet the guy," He leaned back against the couch with his eyes curiously set on me. I felt small in his stare, what for? Maybe because I'll be lying through my teeth now.

"It's.. Kakashi—"

"The truth please?"


"Y/n, I know these hands gesture when you lie. Don't you dare lie," He warned, sitting up straight. Shit..

Jiraiya-sama had been with us for almost everything. He was there when Minato took care of me, partook in helping him raise me. He knows every little details about me. Even would have known me way better than my own dad if he was alive. He watched me that closely. So lying to him would be a evident feign.

"I won't judge..hmm?" I finally looked up at him as he wiggled his eyebrows, gesturing with his hands to proceed. I shut my eyes in embarrassment, staring down at my hands.

"he's..not in the pregnancy." I said, almost in a mumble but loud enough for him to be able to hear it.

"Wow..damn.." He exclaimed, continuing,"who's this coward?"

".. I-i didn't let him know.." Silence.

His side got awfully quiet. I didn't wanna make him feel disappointed but he was. It was clear in the thin air.

"so you are the coward, huh?" I felt ashamed and quietly listened to whatever lecture was coming my way.

He sighed,"You see, I wasn't this much disappointed after knowing that you were carrying a life but this..oh God," I watched him pinching his nose bridge, showing how frustration was growing within him.

"What am I supposed to do.."

"Y/n, what if that guy wanted to be a part of this journey? You may have just thought about yourself here. Why are you making Kakashi go through something that he's nowhere near responsible for? Y/n, look, I know you're better than this, yeah? Maybe the guy doesn't want to be a part or maybe the other way around but he needs to know right?" He was right but I am not wrong from my side. Judging from how well I know him, he wants to be a part way more than me.

But the situation won't be suitable for him, it will just hurt him. He's already hurting somewhere..I don't wanna make something more to add up..

"Tell me what are you thinking about, Don't bottle up infront of me. Tell me, who's the father?" He inquired.

I couldn't bring myself to reply just like that. It is already hard for me to hide it from everyone.


But I can't hide it from Jiraiya-sama..


𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now