50 - Maybe a new beginning.

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I caressed them to sleep, pulling the blanket over their bodies. The outside weather raged to its limit and it was best for the two to stay over for the night. I turned off the lamp and took a one last look at them before closing the door shut.

The windows shivered at the weather's tantrum, the rumbling and the pattering filled the outside but the defeaning sound got silenced by the walls.

I sat on the couch with my electrolyte drink. The lights were dimmed and the air conditioner was on in the room. I leaned my back on the soft couch, slowing hugging my legs as my mind rewind the occurance.

"Why..did he say that? What did I abandon?" I asked myself, sliding my fingers through my hair as they curtained my temple. My hand unknowingly travelled down to my stomach, feeling a sense of comfort come over me.

"I wanted you so bad.." i stopped, recalling my earlier thoughts,"..but now that you're here early, I don't know..why.." My voice couldn't make out the words my harsh mind had in it, in fear the little one inside would hear and understand.

"What should I do.." My world seemed to have come down to a single point where i am unable to move and do anything. I am stuck with no options in hand. These overwhelming emotions, how am i supposed to handle.

Itachi is non of my concern anymore, I got nothing to do with such a person who knows only how to quit. My mind is only for the baby right now. But how am i supposed to raise you on my own, what are the people going to say? What have i even done to face this?

The thoughts suffocated me. Everything that crossed my mind, is adding to the suffocation. I got up from the couch and turned my head to the front door. Maybe the outside will comfort me? My feet dragged me towards the door. A gust of hot wind passed me, soon the outside felt colder than inside. I shut the door behind me and let the droplets to drain me slowly.

"how unfair could it get?" My back slide against the door, unfazed by the cold rainwater hitting me constantly. My heart yearned for something that I may have lost, is it you Kakashi?

Why did he say that? How can i even.. Was it because i distant myself once Itachi left me puzzled with such a confession ? So much happened since then, how am i still sane? or am I?

Whom did i even love..? Kakashi? I loved him for so long but even I couldn't recognize my feelings. It got hidden under the massive title of me being the best friend. Did he ever like me back? It was never obvious. I  want to know..

I hugged myself, resting my head against the wall. What about Itachi? Did I love him or was it because he confessed? I never saw him as a man. I couldn't bring myself to. His behaviour made me feel otherwise and special, as if i wasn't treated like a woman before. He was..my first kiss..my first..To top it all, now bearing his child. but does he even want it?

I looked down at the stomach, caressing the growing baby. What's my decision? I asked myself. After a minute or more, the answer was clear to me; I will keep you.

I smiled, thinking about all the tiny movement the little one would do. Everything would remind me of Itachi, but somehow it didn't matter.

Would I ever accept him back if he does want to take part in this picture? Maybe when it's not too late? But when is exactly 'too late..' ?

"it's too late already," I heard a voice suddenly speak. I turned to the direction where the chakra emerged from now. "Why are you sitting here?" He asked, taking a sit beside me.

My eyes never left him, as if they found something comforting to stare at. His presence was comforting. Would i trade my safe place for some butterflies and selfishness? Never.

"What?" He said, removing the hair from my face and tucking them behind my ear. "I know you're mad at me but look," He said, staring right into my eyes,"I am here to make up for it,"

what do i say..?

"but you see, despite being with you for almost half of your life, I still don't know what will make you happy.." He said while his eyes wandered around mine. I slowly looked down as his hand left my face.

"Just.." I stared at my hands, resting on my lap. I couldn't muster up the words as it sounded so strange and selfish, but maybe once won't hurt, "be with me..as long as you can,"

He said nothing, making me gradually look up. He pecked my forehead, everything went by so fast that i couldn't feel it all,"Why are you even mentioning it? I was already intending to, whether you like it or not."

I don't wanna get any wrong idea,"But why?" He paused, slowly sighing.

"This mind carries so much but how come not a brain?" His statement made me glare softly. I got up, finally getting irritated by the rain. He instantly stood up beside, towering over me with his massive body.

"Are you messing with me?" He leaned against the wall, as his soft gaze could be clearly seen by the outdoor light. "I am not having fun," His hair rested on his forehead. He was still in his usual wear.

"Why aren't you saying anything," I said, leaning my back on the door just beside him with hands behind.

"Should I?"


"I will marry you."

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now