35 - Iruka: "That's it?"

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"What a waste of time," I heard Asuma say, from under his and Kurenai's umbrella as we were on our way back to Konohagakure since the club in Tanigakure was closed too.

To make the situation worse for me, I was under the same umbrella as Anko, while Iruka and Kakashi went together with another umbrella. Kurenai and Asuma walked few steps ahead of us, and a bit in the front walked the other two male.

Bringing a trench coat was a good idea, the coldness didn't budge me much. The rain tapped on the roof and find its mate on the mud, splashing more tiny droplets onto our shoes.

"It's oddly cold," Anko said, to which I hummed. The others conversed among themselves while our under the umbrella remained quiet.

"I don't mind, you know what Kakashi did. So don't be awkward about it, I know how much he cares for you," She turned to me with a smile. I just took a quick glance, feeling guilty for liking such a moment when my close friend seems to really like the guy.

"I guess, I shouldn't be..If you say so," She put an arm around me, pressing a assuring side hug, making me smile and take a hold of her waist as we walk closely.

"Man I really wanted to dance the night away, but maybe it's an indication for us to get some enough sleep for tomorrow. It will be fun, hoping." Anko let go the hug to make it comfortable for us to walk.

"don't forget the chunin exam's preparation," I heard a sigh coming from her, almost whining at the end. "I know," I added.

The walk seemed shorter since we started to talk. Everyone stopped at the gate,"Now let's go under the umbrella as per whose house is in which direction and closer to one another's," I turned to Iruka, he looked back.

"Kakashi and Y/n should switch and mmm, yeah that's it. That will do. I will drop Ms. Yuhi," I softly laughed at him trying to call Kurenai differently along with the others. I scooted closer to Iruka, realizing how tiny their umbrella was compared to ours.

"Alright then, see you in the morning. Kakashi, meet me by the stationary shop at 7." Asuma said, as we parted early.

Surprisingly, my mind didn't think of Kakashi and Anko being under the same umbrella, so close. I gladly smiled to myself, diverting my gaze to the scene around. Iruka didn't speak much, I didn't wanna talk either so the silence was good.

My head recalled the age issue that I found out earlier, a sudden urge formed inside to let Iruka know about it. I started,"Iruka-san, I got something to share," I turned to him as I watch him raise an eyebrow,"..you're the first to know," It would be better if I didn't face him while I share.

"San?" He questioned.

"It will make sense. You remember the Third Ninja war? right? Did you find anything strange?"

"Kakashi destroying the Kannabi bridge single handedly."

I paused for a second, taking a look at him. He laughed,"Sorry sorry. Mmm, I don't recall anything strange or maybe I forgot. It's been a long time you know,"

"I know," I paused, collecting my words to say it out to him. I took the courage started with informing about the tragic state that made the Hokage to take such a step. Following to it, I took a deep breath,"I am one of them, along with Itachi,"

He didn't take long to answer,"That's it?"


"So like, what's your age right now?" He asked, taking the umbrella from my hand. I answered as I let go of the handle,"20."

"You're young young, that's cute." He said, pinching my nose lightly.

"you are okay with these information?"

"I am totally fine. You didn't seem 27 in any ways and on top, now I can protect you like a sister Y/n. Your birthday came before mine so my urge to take care of you because of how young and soft you seemed weird. Now that I know, I can take care of you," He sweetly said, "don't mind me hugging you," He said, pulling me into a warm hug.

"It's even sadder now to know that you had to act mature just because you were told that you weren't 7 but 14 when Minato sensei passed away. How did you take it? hmm?" I melted in his hug just as my tears rushed out.

I whispered, which he heard,"..I don't know,"

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