09 - festival night Three

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She stared at all the fascinating view and allurements while his eyes was set all on her as if she was the main attraction of the dazzling night. She stopped mid way, turning around to him, he got caught off guard.

"You're too slow, come here I am waiting." She said, offering a nerve wrecking work for him to do. To walk beside her to which he couldn't turn down as if it was the order of the Hokage to him.

-love life of Y/n Namikaze-

~•━━━  🧸🍭🦋  ━━━•~

After walking for some time, they took a break and rested outside the bustling area

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After walking for some time, they took a break and rested outside the bustling area. Y/n took off her shoes and rubbed her feet.

"Does it hurt?" Itachi asked, looking at what she was focusing on. She shook her head a no,"I can't walk with hurting my foot, it will hurt worsen later at night surely but can't miss out on the festival," She said, giving a petty smile to herself.

"Do you want me to help with it?" He offered. Her hand got tired so she let him. Upon his touch, she felt comfort racing throughout her body. He had soft hands like the feathers.

"Do you use some hand cream or something?" I asked, watching him massage my feet carefully. "My mom nags me about not taking care of myself so she does it for me so I don't know the name. Sorry,"

"You don't need to apologize for everything Itachi," She said, amuse visible in her tone. She rested her head on the tree behind her which was just beside them.

The crickets played a song in the background, muting the instruments playing in the festival far away from them. She felt burdened and asked him to stop. He let go of her which left her feet feel empty.

They touched the cold grass, making her internally shiver. The lake infront of them came in her sight, she couldn't help but walk to it after wearing her shoes.

She tapped the surface making the ripples diverse. "Wanna walk upto that end?" She offered. He didn't even answer but got on top of the water with the help of his chakra.

He gave his hand out to her, she took it and got on top of the water. "Thank you," she smiled which the moonlight made it visible for him to see.

The water beneath them watched as the two walked over. The sound of ripples filled the lake under their feet. Their shoe sole got wet, picking up little droplets as they advance to the middle of the lake.

Y/n broke the silence between them with her restraint laugh. "The way you're giving in to my stupidity just like that. Thank you for bearing,"

"I am not bearing but enjoying y/n. Thank you for making me enjoy the festival in this way,"

"But we did absolutely nothing,"

"And I am enjoying it with you," A gentle wind passed by them, making their hair to touch. The moment they were in right would have drive anyone crazy but something kept them sane. For her, not having any feelings for him and for him, knowing she doesn't feel the same.

"I wonder if I interrupted something?" I flinched hard at the sudden voice. The chakra that was now noticeable made her turn to look at him,"Kakashi.." She huffed with her hand over her heart,"You scared me,"

"are you okay?" He said, going closer to her but stopped when he realised the presence of the other person there.

Itachi turned to Kakashi with a soft glare to which Kakashi returned the same. "No you didn't interrupt anything, Kakashi-san," He gave out a smile, which soon dropped to a cold stare.

"ah right.." Kakashi started, turning to him,"Sasuke was looking for you, time to take over your responsibility?" Kakashi showed his signature smile which surely irritated a part of Itachi but he was able to play it cool.

"I will leave then," Itachi said, turning to y/n. He walked closer to her ear, whispering something to her. 'Thank you for tonight, I will remember this for a very long time..it was really special,' She turned to him, being close to him  felt different to her than being far.

His cologne hit her as his hair's freshness brought her back to where she was standing,"And sorry about earlier," and with that, he left her hung over the new aroused sensation in her heart.


"am i.. falling for someone again..?"
The wind passed by us, as I looked over at him.

Or is it..you..?

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now