58 - The Father and his son.

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Third Person

"How could you forget the scroll like that?" Kisame complained as Itachi and he rushed back to his place. He left the scroll that they needed to proceed on with their work. Kisame tagged along on his own to escape the 'monotonous' (thats what he felt) meeting.

As they got closer, something odd felt within their presence that didn't go unnoticed by Kisame. "you feel it too?" He asked the one who was charging forward without a second thought.

As he was getting with his sharingan, the person spoke out and he got to see the person instantly,"Itachi?" His pace slowed down, Kisame caught onto him.

Itachi's eye fell down onto the dog then at the one standing infront of his door. "Y/n?"

"Egg yolk lady?"

She was looking down between her legs, hesitantly looking up at the two. "..Itachi, what should I do now..?" His eyes couldn't look at hers as the belly was visibly popping and standing out so much.

"That stomach is huge man, how many is she gonna have?"

As much as he wanted to care, he couldn't come close to it. He had no business with her anymore and didn't wanted to see her around even when he would pay a visit at the village. He was done with everything they had, he didn't wanted to ever associate with her again, but here she was. With Kakashi's ninken.

He felt how cold he was feeling towards her. Nothing could take him back to what he was previously to her, for her, with her. Who he was, was long gone. Now all that remains is nothing but the feeling you feel upon seeing a stranger at your door: anger and invasive.

Suddenly, She sat harshly down onto the ground, holding onto her stomach, leaving the two male standing there in utter confusion. He heard the soft winch she was letting out, slowly turning into groans.

"what's happening?" Kisame asked, while Itachi searched for answers at the occurrence. Pakkun ran towards y/n, trying to understand as well what was the matter suddenly. When the answer was clear, the three panicked.


"Y/n, y/n, breath. Can you breathe for me? slowly..breathe," He tossed the keys towards Kisame,"Open the door!" He ordered as the man rushed to open the door quickly.

"I neeh.. to talk to you.. Itachih.." She was breathing heavily. It was evidently hurting her. "We will..we will talk. But for now, just focus on breathing for me, please," He picked her up and rushed carefully to the bedroom as the two followed. He placed her on the bed and turned around at the stressed out man and dog. "Leave the room!" He said, taking the blanket off the bed and turning the lights on.

"Kisame, bring Konan. Immediately! She will ask alot, but just let her know. I need her," With that, he locked the door and rushed back towards y/n who was profusely sweating. Her eyes watched him look at her, it's been months since they saw each other. He had so much to ask, she had so much to tell. But the moment was not right to have a conversation.

"Do you mind if I take care of you right now?" Her tears got mixed with the sweat that they went unnoticeable at the sight of him. That's what she thought, but he knew she was crying. He shook the thoughts away and carefully take off the extra piece of clothing that was suffocating her. He went into his closet and looked for something free.

He didn't waste a second on thinking about what was going on but acted on what was happening and needed to be done. "Are you okay?" He asked, wiping the sweats away gently. He wiped the tears away along with the sweat, acting as if they weren't.

"I am sorry..Itachi..I am so sorry.. I am troubling you..I am so sorry.." All he could do is just stare and watch her eyes. He hated this, he didn't wanted to care for her anymore. He was done with her months ago, yet right now, All he could feel towards her was nothing but love and affection.

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