26 - the song he wrote

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-last chapter

"Here," I said stopping and standing beside him. He looked at the ice cream, before taking a look at me. "Where did you get it?"

"Well, Itachi bought the last three and seems like we took away your chance to have a refreshment in this scorching summer. Take it! it's my treat," His eyes glow up as I beamed at him.

-parenting and lovelife of Ms Namikaze-

~•━━━ 🧸🍭🦋 ━━━ •~

I welcomed the exhausted Naruto home with a hug

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I welcomed the exhausted Naruto home with a hug. The sudden contact made him stop and wait before giving in. "You forgot how to hug back?" I chuckled, facing his reddened cheeks and coy eyes.

I took him by the hand and made him enter the bathroom,"Get fresh, I made lots for you! Don't make them wait any longer," I ruffled his hair and got outside. I went ahead and started to set the table for us two.

For the first time after almost a year, I was again prepping the table for the two of us. Everything was set. I went ahead and checked on Naruto. He walked out and looked for some thing.

"Y/n-san, where's my bag?" He asked, looking around the front door area. "Hmm? I didn't see you bringing the bag with you-" "Ah right! I left it at the hospital.." He cut me off, recalling where he kept it.

I tilted my head, asking,"Now what? What's in it?" I asked. He sighed,"Everything," I couldn't understand but nodded in response.

"I will go and bring it-"

"Let's go together. I forgot some to purchase some items," I said, heading to the dining table to cover the food.

"tell me, I will get it on my way here," Naruto politely offered.

"It's alright. Let's have a little nephew and aunt time? it's been a long time since then," I eye smiled, walking up to him. I took his hand and tugged him slowly to the door with me,"I missed you. Let's catch up on a walk,"


"y/n-san! no! wait here! I will go and bring it," Naruto said, holding me back from entering the hospital. I let go of going inside and stood there,"alright then, meet me at the ice cream shop up there," I said. He nodded and smiled widely. I ruffled his hair and left with a smile.

The village street as always remained busy, it was oddly comforting. I passed down all the stalls of sweets and savory on the concrete pathway. The street way felt not so amusing, making me jump onto the roof.

I stood straight and gazed around, much better. I leapt onto the next house top and advanced towards the higher land. The little flowers swayed as I passed, I turned my body around and jumped with my back facing the way I was going.

The view got prettier as I moved up. I faced the front again and went up ahead even quicker now. After reaching the pathway of the hills, I stopped. A sweet melody was caught by my ear as I was coming up but now it seemed to get more audible in comparison.

It was a flute, I smiled as I passed the street lights one by one. The flute seemed to go wandering around the area before reaching to me. But who was playing it in the middle of a not so often visited path? I shrugged.

"you know my love grew the moment you understood..you knew, my love for you will never leave until you hold it too, with me.." A voice in a soft low tone sang as the flute disappeared.

~~"you know my love has no end when it's you I love.." I softly laughed at the end of stupidly making a song with him. "Sorry," I apologized.

He chuckled,"You be the singer, I will play the flute for you here," He said taking the instrument from my hand,"You sing it! Your voice will be best for this tune, Itachi!"~~

A gust of wind passed me, carrying a familiar scent. My heart shook against my chest, my eyes stared at the front trying to catch a figure standing. "That song.." I breathed hard.

"Am I hallucinating..?" I asked myself, rubbing my temple as my head tilt to the side. "Maybe the cooking made me exhausted," I announced to myself, continuing my walk.

It was a song Itachi wrote for us to sing at our sensei's wedding. I had a weird voice so I made him sing it while I played the flute for him. Though I messed up the performance during the function, but his voice was beautiful enough to ignore the flaw.

I still remember it, every line.
"Every line of it.." I said in a whisper. I heard my heartbeat in my ears,"...ah..right, now you're going to miss him,"

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now