36 - The Moon helped me see him after years

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"Naruto's sleeping," I said, quietly shutting his bedroom door behind me. I walked to the couch and sat across Iruka-san. "Are you hungry?" I looked at the clock, it stroke at 1:39.

"I am okay. You seem hungry, let me make you something real quick," I was about to turn it down but he stopped me, adding,"Listen to your older brother and from now on ask me favors too. I know you make enough money but still, if you need money, ask me for it." He said, making it hard for me to not grin.

I showed him what groceries I had at the moment, he seemed pretty impressed with the loaded pantries. I sat on the counter table and watched him take out some ingredients. Judging from the things he took out, he was going for egg fried rice with some soy and honey marinated chicken breast to go with it.

"I love that dish," I chuckled, making him grin as he prepare. "You know cooking so well to guess that quick," He took a glance, making me hum. "I will prepare a bento for you this morning then!"

"I was hoping to make you one too," He said, with a sense of excitement.

"You make me a bento box, I will make you one!" I said, cheerfully. This excitement and youthful energy matched with my feelings so well, I am able to finally act my age.

I quietly watched him cook effortlessly. He brought the marination infront of me, asking me to take a quick sniff. It smelled really good. I mouthed a wow, making him softly laugh.

"I am making one for you too, Naruto," I turned around with a sneaky smile as I watched the peeking teen.

"Come here you little fox-" He came in with embarrassment, while I realized what I just called him. Iruka-san burst out laughing, making me regretfully caress Naruto's head as he watched curiously what Iruka was making.

The door bell unexpectedly rang, making me take a look at Iruka-san. "Let me check," I said, getting down. I walked to the dark doorway, turning the light on. I checked the peephole, a man with wet hair stood, while adjusting their standing position. I opened it, revealing a mask down Kakashi-san.

"Can I come in?" He was all drenched in rain water. I gestured him to enter, closing the door behind us. His jacket let the water drop on the door way.

"You should get changed,"

"You're still in your trench coat, you didn't get changed?" He said, walking inside. I followed him, as Iruka-san and Naruto came out to the living room.

"Oh he's still with you, y/n," He said to me, turning around.

"Oh Kakashi sensei! you're here too? What's happening?" Naruto cluelessly asked.

"I thought you went home Kakashi, with Anko?" Iruka-san asked, as the man took his jacket off and handing it to me. His black tee seemed untouched by the rain, his jeans were just fine.

"Same goes for you," He said. His words seemed confusing with the tone he used. Iruka-san remembered the pots on the stove and head quickly back inside. Naruto tilted his head, following Iruka.

"You should go and get changed," He said, walking towards the kitchen.

"Kakashi-san," He turned almost at an instant.

"what?" I took a breath in, he added,"San?"

"Can you please ask Iruka-san to tell you about everything, Just tell him I asked him to let you know about the changed paper works of birth certificate back in Third Ninja war and..." I stopped, realizing how Kakashi-san might not react the same way as Iruka.

"and..?" He repeated. I debated, I shouldn't care now right? He belongs to someone else's heart already. I am too late now, I should have known better. He was never and will ever be my person.

Whatever should happen, will happen,"..and the secret I found out yesterday," He stood there for some time, asking,"What is it?"

"I will go and get freshen up," I didn't feel like continuing the conversation further and left for my bedroom. My mind had too much in it, I quickly shut the bedroom door. I sighed.

"this dress is so tight for God's sake," I said, taking my coat off and turning my bedroom light on. At that instant I noticed a presence in the balcony, facing toward me with their back leaning on the railing.

I hesitantly watched the figure, frozen in my place. "Who is..there?"

"You forgot my chakra already, y/n-san?" Itachi said, as the low light of the moon fell on him.

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