40 - Finding Out

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I looked at the glass, still thinking about that one scent that lingered around last night in her room. It felt familiar, a scent that belonged to someone I should know.

"Here," Clear liquid filled the glass almost to the brim, I turned to look at the lady who did it, obviously it's Anko. "Didn't want it but thank you," I said, as politely as I could.

"What's occupying your mind this evening?" She started. The sound in the club was not loud enough to mumble her words.

"How do I recall the person after a certain scent lingers around you that belongs to them?" I spoke my thoughts out, hoping there might be a way to decode it.

She cluelessly hummed in response,"Why? is there a scent that you liked from a passerby and want to find her?" She said, hoping that it was a joke.

"More like..I don't like the smell of it, it reminds me of someone that.." I sat straight, it smells like that one scent in the locker room..that night too.

"Itachi?" I got up at an instant, with somewhat fear forming in me. My feet moved on their own and I rushed out the club. I almost stumbled on my untied shoes, but I managed to not fall.

I run through the streets, suddenly forgetting how to sprint. Her apartment seemed to run away from me as I found myself aimlessly taking turns and yet not finding it.

I soon stopped and realized what I was doing. Why am I searching for her? Why am I even running?

I was thinking about Itachi, I found his scent in her room. Right! that's the reason? Why was it smelling like him? Was he there? Y/n didn't change her dress until I was inside the room, what was she doing? "Don't tell me.." I mumbled to myself,"..she met him?"


I opened the door to a room and the decor gave the identity of the room, it was Itachi's room. I walked inside and shut the door behind me quietly. It was not filled yet but a bed, table and chair along with a wardrobe.

The balcony door was a sliding one. The room was lit with the side lamp, it made the room seem somewhat aesthetically pleasing. I strode to the bed and sat down. The flowers that I was hiding was crippled inside my jacket, I took it out.

Frowning, I kept it beside me and looked around the room. The door opened,"How's the room?" He smiled and close it behind him.

"Cozy," I smiled, as he walked upto the bed. "Food's ready, are you hungry?" I thought for some time and shook a no. I wasn't that much hungry yet.

"When did you get this house?" I said, getting on the bed and lying down, keeping my head on the pillow. It felt like a new comforter, I could fall asleep here and never wake up.

"Just some days ago. Everything is going to be purchased new, I didn't feel like moving in the old furnitures from the previous home." He said, looking around his room himself, setting ideas on where and how to decorate it.

I rested my head on my hand and looked around the place with him. "After the Uchiha gets reintroduced, what are you going to do with this house?" I asked.

"nothing, I am going to live here." I was taken aback by his words. I sat up and he turned his body around to talk to me properly,"aren't you going to return?" He smiled, shaking a no.

"Huh, why?" He just shrugged, with pursed smile. It saddened me but somewhat I get why he doesn't wanna return. The Uchiha clan is filled with nothing but tragedy for him.

It's been a while since I last visited Mikoto-san. I should pay a visit.. I thought as I looked down at my palm. We shared a comfortable silence where he too seemed to be lost at the sight of the patterns on his comforter.

"Don't you miss Sasuke?"


"Then why not?"

"It's not the same. He's surely planning to murder me with his own hands," He said, falling into a soft laughter. It is true, Sasuke's hatred for him is just the same as Itachi's love for him.

"It will get better after the banquet.' I assured, patting his shoulder.

"Well, they are gone already. He will never see me as his brother," He held himself back from breaking, it was somehow noticable to me. I sat straight and patted on the bed, asking him to seat. He did.

"Can I hug you?" He just stared as I notice his eyes soften then look away. He cleared his voice,"..sure,"

I closed the space between us and pulled him into a hug. He stayed still, his hands confused where to be kept. I took them, and wrapped myself in his arms.

"Everything will be okay, I promise. You will find your happiness soon too, everything will fall into their places and get glued this time, so that it never gets undone." I let go of him, as he slowly did too.

I cupped his face,"Did you hear me?" He seemed taken aback for split seconds before calming down. He nodded in my palms, softly smiling.

We once again fell into that pin drop yet comfortable silence, I slowly let go of his face and searched for something to look at, not wanting to make it awkward between us.

A memory played back on it's own and it was the night of festival. I fell into a sudden laughter, which made him just stare and wait for me to tell him about it. "The lighting of the room, reminds me of the festival night when you were at my home and you know what had happened," I slowly stopped and smiled instead,"Fun fact, it was my first kiss too,"

"Oh what? Did I ruin it for you? I am sorry," He was quick to apologize when it wasn't even his fault.

I shook my head, as we stared into each other's eye. He suddenly looked so gorgeous to me, his eyes, specially stood out. I felt my fingers wanna go and touch his surprisingly soft face, I did.

I caressed his cheeks, feeling a blanket of sadness shifting to me, as if I was able to share the pain that came out as tears. I wanted to make him feel better and be the first one to understand him deeply.

"Y/n... "

"Hmm?" I hummed, locking our eyes as a smile spread on my face.

"you are... beautiful," I raised my eyebrows at his statement, chuckling at the end.

"and?" I asked, stroking his lips with my thumb.

"I love you... "

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now