55 - Don't leave me again.

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My head didn't turn and remained on the closed book that rested on my lap.

"Congratulations to you and senpai," I hid my face, as he continued. The heartbreak that he had left me with would have been less if Seito wasn't on the way. Maybe, only then it would have been easier to forgive him than this. "Don't worry, I won't mendle in your life, y/n. You deserve happiness with someone who's there with you.. who will be there..-" His heavy breathe out cut his sentence off.

"I..am not the person for you. You made the right call by this," He said, ending the sentence with a restraint laugh, that felt rather hurtful than anything else.

A sudden fuzzy and painful pain started in my heart, I held onto it. Eyes can never lie, so mine teared. "So much grudge that you won't even speak?" I leaned my back against the tree as I hear his words closer than before. He was really near me,"hmm?" Still, no response from my side.

Only if he changed his position a little more, my emotions just because of his presence would be revealed and I hoped that he leaves, right now.

My hand reached on top of my bump, my palm's warmth felt soothing against it. "can I see you for once..?" He asked. Oh no..

"..only if you let me—"

"leave.." I said quietly.

The moment stopped for awhile for me. I was over everything, tired of being left alone everytime. He had reasons but the reasons could have been handled otherwise, no?

I heard the leaves rustle beside me, someone got up. There was a pause for some seconds, before the steps got away and disappeared into the thin air. The wind passed by, I turned my head to where he was. My hair strands tickled my face, making me tuck them behind my ear.

My eyes left the place, making me get back to the book. 'Itachi..'

some moments ago.


Her body appeared right infront of my eyes, the flowers were still inside my cloak. "ah, right. I remember that yellow— hold on, is that egg yolk pregnant?" Kisame said, looking keenly at her.

I watched her closely after his statement, she indeed had a healthier physique. "Lol, she abandoned you. You're no one now man—" Maybe we are just assuming from this angle. I went ahead, noticing the combat going on faraway. Sasuke was there. I stopped.

I never got to see him properly. He got alot more handsome and still had the same height, maybe a little taller? Just a little. I didn't realize the smile that showed on my face. I lightly shook my head and turned my gaze to y/n.

She had a book in her hand, her head turned to the lake. Her side profile came in view. Thump, thump. Thump, thump

My body relaxed, all the stiffness retreated. I felt myself smiling at the sight of her. I looked inside my cloak, the red roses were held around by, by my fingers.

I got my eyes back on her, soon noticing a red object that stayed beside her. Is that..why does it seem familiar? Then I realized what it was, that hair pin thingy.

I was supposed to give it to her on the day of festival but lost it on the same night somehow but here it was, lying next to the person it was meant for. I wonder how she looks like wearing it. That was the first thing I ever bought for a woman. It just felt like as if it called me to pick it out of the bunch of accessories. Cost me almost my 1 month savings out of the many but it's okay, if it's for her.

I sat down beside her as quietly as possible, successfully getting close to her without her notice. I turned to look at her but something else took my attention. She was pregnant.

𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now