23 - the meaning of the flowers

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—last chapter

I didn't take time to think and went straight to him, holding him from running. "easy, easy." He flinched at the sudden appearance. Naruto stared into my eyes with tears in his, little snot coming out of his nose.

"Kakashi-san, y/n-san is lost.." He said, years streaming down his whiskers like mark. Exactly what I was afraid of..

-lovelife of Ms Namikaze-

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The rain poured over all of us as we stood infront of the restricted area clan. Yellow tapes and visible blood covered path a yard away from the entrance gate.

I stood beside Kakashi, almost in a lean against him. Tenzo stood there with us along with some other ANBU who had gone as a backup to take back the criminal and items. "Tenzo, we are done for the mission. Dismiss and report to the Hokage," Kakashi said.

"Good work," I feebly smiled at Gai as the others leave the area, leaving just the three of us. I stood straight, sighing. "I guess, we should leave too." I turned on my heels and headed to the third's office.

I felt no remorse at the news, Itachi meeting me there somehow became the reason why I know what he did will probably have a valid reason. I know him, I knew how he was like. That's what I was hoping.

Kakashi observed my actions and emotions and I could tell. Gai on the other hand seemed devastated. Anyone would be. The village stayed under a darkness as we passed down the street. The weather too grieved with them.

Sasuke was the only surviving Uchiha from the massacre. Naruto went on to meet him at the hospital where he was rushed to.

We entered the Hokage's office, Kakashi in the lead. He informed the extra insight of the mission. The third patted us with good words and let us on relief for the weekend.

"Hokage-sama..May I have a word with you?" Gai said, as Kakashi and I both headed to the exit,"Just us," Gai added when we stopped. I bowed to the Hokage one last time, walking out along with Kakashi.

"are you okay?" I hummed back as a yes to him, who seemed to stare when I turned to take a look at him.

"Shisui, Itachi, they were your teammates, weren't they? you still feel nothing?" He asked, I looked away from him and kept on walking with him in the behind. (an: I know Shisui's older than Itachi and this sounds ridiculous but please bear with this jumbled plot I made:' )

"please, don't bring it up. I don't wanna remember whatever is gone," I said when I felt a tug in my heart at the mentioning of their names. I trusted Itachi but still somewhere in my heart, there is a grudge.

Shisui was a teammate with whom I last had a conversation with at the festival for the first time in a while but the old times with him was what made it hard for me to hear his name. It was some golden times which I didn't appreciate enough when I should have.

"I guess you're immune to the grief of losing people now-"

"..that was not funny-"

"I am sorry, it slipped out." I headed to the rooftop. Kakashi stopped and didn't want to follow me up there, giving me some alone time.

The night has fallen over, as I gazed at the peeking full moon through the clouds. The village lit up from their stalls, calling out for customers to pay a visit. I turned over to the side where a drape of blackened sky remained, the Uchiha clan. It looked back at me with nothing but coldness. It was empty and dark out there.

My back slide against the railing as my gaze never left the unlit area. I turned to look at Minato's head stone, peering back at me. "I lost some more along with you, now I am afraid to even call anyone mine," A sob escaped. I covered my mouth, crying as silently as possible.

Memories with Shisui and Itachi ran back inside my drowning mind. We were together for all the dreadful missions we were sent to. Other than the missions, I escaped training and other times to spend with Obito, Rin and Kakashi. But during those missions, we got to enjoy in between.

One of the day that keeps on returning was when we meet the florist Akio-san. She helped us made flower crowns and taught us the meaning of each flowers. Daffodils, Roses, Tulips, Dahlia, Iris, Camellias..

"Bring me red and pink camellias,"

"camellias? right..Itachi wanted them as a farewell gift and I couldn't give him,"

" and Camellias symbol may seem tragic but beautiful at the same time. It's a sign of Longing and Secret love and desire. If someone asks you to give them Pink, Red and White Camellias, know that they just confessed to you.."

A piece of tape replayed in my mind, leaving me dazed.

"you're a pretty daylily to me," His another remark resurfaced.

"yellow daylily means forgetting the worries, more like if referred to a person, they are the reason behind the ease of our painful events."

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